• Chapter 28 •

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•Jessie's P.O.V•
It was just as normal night... Well as normal as a hospital can be until I got a visitor.
"Jessie" he peeped through the door
"Lucas?" I questioned what on earth is he doing here
"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" He slowly walked in
"No no it's fine come in" I said
"How are you?" He asked as he sat down
"Pretty sore" I giggled about it
He didn't say anything after that...

"So why have you come to see me tonight?" I asked him
"Uh I'm really sorry to bother you and shit because I know you have a lot on your mind right now but I know you don't like me because of everything that's happened between us but I want you to trust me with Georgia, I've never loved someone the way I love her" he exclaimed

I've never been so happy to hear someone that I dislike say something like that about my friend, it brought tears to my eyes because everyone my best friend has like has just treated her like shit and I thought Lucas would do the exact same, but obviously not.

"Lucas, I-I-I was worried that you were going to treat her like shit and disrespect her the way you did to me, but after that whole I love her thing I'm really starting to think you'll treat her like the way she needs to be treated" I said
"I came her to ask you if it would be okay if I asked her out on a date" he asked
"Of course it would Lucas" leaning in for a hug
"Please treat her well" I said
"I will I promise, I hope you're out soon Jessie, she really misses you" Lucas said
"Why doesn't she come and see me?" I asked
"She doesn't want to see her best friend like this" he said with a hurt look
"It's okay I get it" I said all glum
"She'll see you soon" he said looking at me hopeful
"I'll see you later okay" he said walking out the door waving
"Yeah see ya" I said quietly
Shortly after that my eyelids got heavy and I soon fell asleep
The next day
•Sean's P.O.V•
Ever since Jessie's accident Wil has been non stop in and out of our house, I mean we're still mates and everything but just being honest if he thinks he can get Jessie back after what he did, he can think again.
It'll be har- *knock, knock*
I go to open the door, and I'm not surprised to who is at the door...
"Look before you say anything I know I've been here heaps and I know Jessie and I aren't going out any more so it's pointless me being here but being honest Sean, I really really miss her and I think I'm going insane without her." He exclaimed
"Look Wil here's the shit you fucking hurt her, you made her hurt bad and you are going to have to do a lot to get her back trust me" I said
"Do you know what, I'm going to get her back, I am, I'll see you later Sean" he said getting in his car and rushing off

•Wil's P.O.V•
I drove myself to Jessie's favourite spot to read... This paddock full of daisies near their family Lake House.
I picked a bunch then drove to the flower store and bought her actual favourite type of flower.
Yellow tulips she always said they were the little soft bundle of happiness anyone could have and I thought that was so freaking cute it would melt my heart.
I asked the lady's to wrap them for me so they look extra nice and then it was time to go and drop them off.
On the way to the hospital I saw her mum driving there as well, I was worried that something was wrong so I tried to get there as fast as I can.
I walked into the hospital and was spotted by her mum.
"Wil, how are you?" She said embracing me into a hug
"I'm very well Mrs Astin, and yourself?" I asked
"Yeah I'm well I'm just coming to get Jessie" she said
"She's coming home?" I asked
"Yeah she's doing really well the doctor said so she's coming home, I'm guessing those flowers are for her aren't they" she giggled
"Yeah how did you know?" I asked
"Yellow tulips are her favourite" she smiled
"Oh right, well I better go give these to her then"
"Yeah I'll give you two sometime" she said waving me off
I made her way to her room which somehow seemed brighter than everyone else's
I walked in to see her packing
"Well I heard someone gets to go home today..." I said making her turn around quite fast
"Oh hey Wil" she said happily

•Jessie's P.O.V•
"Oh hey Wil" I said happy that he's here
"uh I brought you something" he said bringing out a bunch of beautiful flowers from behind his back
"These... Are for you" he handed me bunch of yellow tulips and daisies
"Wil they're gorgeous where-" he cut me off obviously proud of his accomplishment
"I got the daisies from the paddock near your lake house, you know where you like to read, and I bought your favourites from the Florist, i hope you like them" he said with a big cheesy grin
"Wil I can't believe you remembered that's amazing" I said in awe
"Look Jessie I know you've been through hell these last few weeks and I caused some of that but I want you to know that I love you, I have thought so long and hard about getting you back and I don't feel like I deserve someone as beautiful and courageous as you and I-"
I could listen to him talk anymore so I kissed him...
It was as beautiful as the first time we did kiss and those fireworks and butterflies were still there. I could feel the passion he was giving this one little kiss and I knew that I was able to forgive him.

"Jessie I want you to know I'm sorry and I know that's probably not good enough but I was wondering if you'd take me back?" He said
"Look Wil I've been thinking about this for a long long time and I can't take you back but after that kiss I can definitely work towards it" I said and a smile rose on his face
"So you forgive me?" He asked
"I do just as long as you don't do anything stupid like that ever again okay?' I said pointing at his chest giggling
"Trust me I never want to loose you again" he said pulling me into a hug
"Now let's get you out of here" he said helping me out

Woah this chapter sucks some major bs but it's the biggest one I've written in a while so I hope it's good enough :/
Thankyou again for 6k
~jessie xoxo

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