1:First Day Back

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I groan as the the same old sound blared  on my phone I search for the snooze button and bury my head back into the pillow (I did this about 7 times). The mornings is high up on things I hate list and yes I have a things I hate list I'm not negative I'm just opinionated.I drag my body up and slouch upwards as I realise I have about 15 minutes to get ready.I wasn't really surprised,I did press my snooze button 7 times...

I grab the few clothes clean from my floordrobe
Floordrobe=a floor used as a wardrobe,a stripy top and black leggings of course matched with my bright red converse.I shuffle down stairs and remind my mum that her work is in about 12 minutes yes, she's not a morning person either.shes wrapped up in her white ruffled duvet moaning like a teenager as I show her what time it is time.

After I manage to drag my Mum out of bed for her job.I wash my face and brush my teeth and of course typical me while doing this I pretty much had a shower aswell because of the amount of water splashed on my clothes.Of course I wouldn't have to wake my brother up he's probably already done his morning run and workout ugh who voulentaraly does excersize pe is enough torcher.My brother was the favourite, and the opposite to me he's the popular successful sporty football player and I'm the awkward lazy photographer.

I start to rummage through the cuboards grabbing the last crumbs of the lucky charms and dumping them into the bowl as my brother moans at me to hurry up "get those lucky charms down your beak birdy" my name was actually griffin but my family called me birdy and anyone who thought it was funny when they heard my brother say it at school."Alex just wait outside in your car"I reply with a pronounced sigh.I sit at our polka dot table as I shovel the cereal into my mouth whilst quickly flicking through my Instagram feed which is mostly full of satisfying slime videos and tv show fan accounts.I am obsessed with binge watching Netflix shows.

I flung my leather satchel over my shoulder grabbed my keys and dashed for the door whilst screaming down the house "bye Mum LOVE YAAAA!"I hear the faint sound of a reply "love ya too" as I walk out the door.

I rush out side and jump in the back of Alex's old school mustang as the front seat was reserved for his cheerleader girlfriend lexi she was almost on my things I hate list, almost.Me and Alex are 11 months apart so unfortunately we're in the same year so even if I'm in the completely different crowd to Alex I'll have to mingle with his friends anyway because there at our house 24/7 even though I'm pretty much invisible to them.

as I sit in the back seat whilst I complain about lexi and Alex reassures me shes apparently amazing.in the end I knew my brother really liked her so I didn't say too much about her as annoying as she is.

We stop outside lexis picket fenced house after jamming out to Bruno mars that was one thing me and Alex had in common,our amazing music taste.Lexi steps into the car Sharing a kiss with Alex in which I squirmed "guys sister present" lexi passed me a smile oozing with sarcasm.


We arrived at school with three minutes to spare.i lept out of the back seat to a no brother pda zone.I passed Alex's football buddy's which wasn't a horrible sight as almost all of them had toned muscles tan skin and soft locks of glistening hair but there huge egos and cockiness destroyed that.As I pass they all begin to squawk in my direction of course they all knew my family nick name my brother gave them a fustrated glare to stop and they grinned in reply.

I flung my satchel over my shoulder turning away from my brother and his large popular croud full of confidence and narcissism.i look around for my bestfriend,snow every first day back we meet on the benches infront of school.i realize shes sitting on one of them swinging her legs with her icy blond hair flowing,yes her parents named her because of her hair.I jump up behind her making her squirm and hit me round the shoulder.

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