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Jungkook shuts off his phone and turns his head around, there wasn't anyone behind him but he felt something was watching him. He got up from then couch and gulped a big lump in his throat.

"Where the fuck are my brothers" he cusses in a whisper.

Suddenly just then, the door had rattled and it swung opened revealing his six brothers all tired coming from wherever they may have come from.

"Seriously! Don't do that next time! At least call when you'll be back!" Jungkook shouted which made them all look at him weirdly, they didn't understand why he was so jumpy from their entrance.

"Dude you okay? It's like you've seen a ghost or something"chuckled Yoongi

"No I haven't seen shit! Anyways good night, the girls are sleeping!" He sassed and ran up the stairs slamming the door shut.

"What the fuck is his problem?" Says Yoongi in an annoyed expression.

"Probably some kind of fights with his girlfriend.." shrugged Hoseok.

"Well his attitude sucks" he replied back.

"Let him be..he's probably just tired from taking care of Sabrina and HanByeol." Says Taehyung.


The vile smell of something rotting woke one of the girls up, Sabrina who was about to get a glass of water scrunched her noes in disgust when she smelled something really bad.

"Eeeww~ I guess oppa Jin is gonna clean the whole house tomorrow again." She says covering her noes as she walks down the stairs and into the kitchen.

She tried to ignore the bad aroma but couldn't take it anymore and soon followed where the stench was. She walked all over the mansion till reaching the last door. It was away with the rest of the bedrooms that's been occupied by her brothers and sister. The ones that she walked through were more of guest rooms.

"What could possibly be in that room to make it smell so bad" she says to herself. She marches her way to the end of the hall and come face to face with the door; behind it she could smell the foul oder that's being fumed inside.

She turned the knobs around and pushes the door slightly. She peeked in trying to see what's inside and then she squints her eyes a bit. She then sees something..it looked like someone is sleeping inside the room. It was still pretty dark but could still see an outer line of a person.

"Hey! You shouldn't be in our house!" She shouted.

Then the person moved but something fell off and rolled to her. She looked down, her eyes grew even brighter than the moon. Paralyzed in her spot, she managed to let out a scream when seeing a head of a girl, her long black hair covered her eyes but she had a smile on her face.

"I told your brother cops gonna show up to find a corpse. This body will be yours kid!" It laughed in a monstrous voice and she screamed again.

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