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Damien Grey

Year 6102 February 1st.

Returning to that hell hole was the last thing he wanted but what choice did he have? They'd always found him when tried to run away. They were respected in the town and everyone knew them. They would find him in the snap of a finger or less.

So here he was walking to his own personal hell. No one knew that he was their child, of course not they made sure of it and it was easy too considering he looked nothing like them with his olive tone skin, jet black hair that held subtle streaks of red and his different colour eyes; one was an electric green while the other was an electric blue.

His mother, Rose Grey, had milky white skin, luscious chocolate brown hair and stunning grey-green eyes. His father, Eric Grey, had more of a tan skin color, a full thick head of sandy blond hair and mesmerizing toffee eyes.

The people whom he was forced to call 'Mistress' and 'Master' were none other than his actual parents.

Upon reaching the house he snapped out of his reminiscing. He took a deep breath and readied himself for the torture that was to come.

Almost immediately after closing the door came the screeching voice of his 'Mistress'," Where the hell have you been!?" She screeched.

"I was out buying the things for tonights party ma'am." Was his immediate response. God forbid he stuttered or took too long to reply.

His 'Master's' voice was not far behind his reply. "You should have been back and hour ago! It matters not, just get everything ready and when your done vanish until we call for you again." And under his breath his 'Master' muttered, "You'll get your beating later you worthless pig."

Damien only gave a discreet 'yes sir' and headed off to prepare the party. This party was the perfect opportunity to run and this time Damien was determined not to get caught, he still had scars from the last time he tried and failed to run. This time Damien was going to run into the forest and not the open street as he had done when he was eight, he was ten now.

Finishing up the decor for the party, the food long cooked and set out on the buffet table, he left to go to his 'room'.

Said room was behind a false wall in a secrete hall. The 'Master' and 'Mistress' made sure he was hidden even in the house, no one knew of his hall except of course him and the 'Master' and 'Mistress' the hall was also behind a another false wall.

Slipping deftly and safely behind the false wall to his hall he listened until he heard the guests arrive and the party begin. Going into his room Damien stripped and took a shower in the tiny bathroom he had, avoiding the floor length mirror in his room.

After his shower Damien grab some boxers, a long tattered jeans and an large old sweater putting them on. He grab the big duffle bag he had bought with some change the 'Master' had lying around. He stuffed the bag with the tin food he'd managed to steal from the rather large pantry, he placed his clothes, which wasn't much, into the bag, he placed the 'Master's' swiss army knife into his bag. He'd enough food in his bag to last over six months. Opening the trap door under his bed Damien slipped through then followed the underground path out of the house. When he reached the exit he was at the back of the house. He peeped through the peep hole he had created a while back precisely for this purpose. When he saw that no one was outside he climb out and ran to the forest. Though he had never understood why the whole town was surrounded by an enormous forest maybe they liked nature? He wasn't sure nor did he care.

"RUN!"  Said a Ghastly voice in Damien's head. The now ghastly voice had once been strong giving Damien strength saying that his parents won't hurt him it grew weak after Damien turned three and they began doing the exact things it said they won't.

"Run Damien and don't you dare look back," it continued," They don't love us! They never will! Get as far ,away as possible from them for they will kill us when they find us! RUN!"

And Run he did. He's done so for five years and had intended to continue but his running came to a stop when he met HIM...When he transformed.

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