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Damien Grey

Year 6107, December 1st

He watched with wary eyes as the stranger approached the spot below the tree in which he was perched up on a high branch.

There was something awfully peculiar about the stranger...no there was something peculiar about these woods in all. For the past five years Damien has seen things...strange things. He saw enormous wolves change shape to reveal almost equally big men. He met actual Fairies, all of whom he was friends with including their King and Queen. Not only did he watch them change the seasons, he helped. He saw wildcats, very big wild cats, change shapes to reveal petite women and huge men, much like the wolves. The fairies thought Damien everything he knew.

He was snapped from his thoughts when he heard, more like felt, a terrifying Roar, so loud and strong it shook the trees around him including the one he was perched in.

The stranger's eyes snapped up peering directly into Damiens' different color eyes.


Terrified Damien dropped from the ten foot tree landing securely on his feet unharmed.
This startles the stranger as no one other then a Delta werecat is able to land that safely and deftly from a ten foot tree.

"I-I-I..." Damien stutters out. He gulped harshly before speaking again a tad bit more confident in his voice.

"I am Damien Lyttle. I was unaware that I had s-stepped onto claimed land. I-... I was simply passing through the area. Honest! An-And if you may, please refrain from calling me what I am not?" Damien cursed himself silently for sputtering. In the five years that Damien had been on the run he'd found out not only the truth of the world but also of himself. Damien found out that he was indeed not human. He was a werecat. And not just any werecat, he was a Delta.

He was snapped from his thoughts once more as the stranger begins speaking again,"What am I to call a trespasser that smells like a picaro then? Are you from a Pride?"

"I am not part of pride. I have lived with the fairies since I was ten. I know nothing of how a pride works and thus I can not join one though the itch to join one is there I simple can not. They would not accept an outsider as easily as a werewolf pack." He stated with a shrug.

The stranger watched him for a pregnant moment then said,"Our Delta wishes to meet you. Follow me. And don't try anything I've been given the order to kill you if you do."

The stranger watched until Damien gave a curt nod then turned on his heel and begun walking through the dense forest.

From the power he oozed Damien had guessed that the man was most likely a Gama in this pride. The 'Delta' of a pride would be the Alpha of a werewolf pack, the 'Septa' of a Pride would be the 'Beta' of a werewolf pack, and the 'Gama' of a Pride would be the 'Gamma' of a werewolf pack.

Where the wolves who run away or are kicked out of their pack are called 'Rogues', werecats call them 'Picaros'.

He would shift soon and its not something he's looking forward too. He's heard of how painful it can be.

He is pulled from his thoughts when the smell of food hits him. His stomach growls rather loudly causing the stranger to glance back at him , chuckling when Damien blushed in embarrassment.

In an attempt to ease his nerves Damien proceeded to question the stranger,

"So...what's your name? I never did get it."

"Adam...Adam Lennox." The stranger, now known to Damien as Adam, answered.

"What Pride is this anyway?" Damien questioned again.

Adam glanced over his shoulder at Damien then answered, "Night Crawlers."

He was sure the expression on his face was something you'd see in one of the most comedic movies. His speculation was confirmed when Adam looked back and started laughing so hard he fell on the ground rolling and holding his stomach.

"How the hell do you get your face to look like that!?" He practically screamed between his laughter.

"I..ur..", he shut up again when Adam goes into another fit of laughter yet again at his expense. After laughing for approximately thirty minutes straight Adam finally gets up and begins walking once more still chuckling.

"Your a funny guy. Here we are.", as he said that they arrived at a clearing that held a very big house. People where trailing in and out of the building. Because werecats disliked closed spaces the house was built to make rather large holes in the walls where glass should have been there was nothing.

"At night when every one would go to sleep the house would go on lock down, the windows becoming covered in foska metal to protect from intruders." Adam explained when he saw Damien's look of interest and confusion.

As they walked toward the house multiple werecats hissed at Damien causing him to become uneasy.

He was taken into the largest house in the clearing and into a large room that looked like a study. He was left alone or so he had thought until the large chair that had been facing the large window turned toward him revealing a large man.

The man looked to be in his mid forties but he was still buff and well kept. He had harsh silver eyes lined with dark lashes that made them all the more intimidating. He had salt and pepper hair and a five o'clock shadow dusted his cheeks.

The man screamed power and with a flash of his silver eyes Damien knew. He was not a man to be reckoned with. Damien would have to choose what he says here carefully if he wanted to leave with his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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