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Jill's P.O.V

'You only know you love her, when you let her go'

I gently pull off my headphones. That song wasn't exactly what I needed in my situation.

I sign. I wonder how he's doing? I wonder if he's read my note?

No Jill. No. You left New York because of him in the first place. I remind myself.

"Attention passengers we will be landing shortly, please remain seated."

The seat belt sign lights up. I double check but I haven't really took it off since I went to the bathroom last.

I sit back and let the plane land. But it isn't exactly the best feeling in the world. Thank God I didn't get sick.

As we board off the plane I call my mom and tell her I landed. Then I head towards the street.

I look around for some taxi's, I spot one and motion it. But it doesn't see me.

Geesh I thought New York taxis were bad. I spot another one, and again a motion it, it comes to a halts a few feet ahead of me. I open the door and hop in.

"Where to?" A young man asks.

"Uhm Standards campus"

"You must be new here?"

"Ha yea sorry?"

"It's fine, just be glad I know where that is"

I'm glad he avoided small talk the rest of the time. I just starred out the window. The city was beautiful, I could really get used to all this hot weather.

"Here we are" I see the university dorms. I pay and thank him an get out. I walk slowly captivating everything.

It was your typical college, it had your jocks, the nerds, the band players, the really fake basic white girls. Great how I fit in so well here.

"Hello welcome to Stanford! Do you new help finding your room?" A middle aged women asks.

I nod.

Smooth Jill, just smooth.

"Ok can I have your name?"

"Jillian smith"

She looks through her clipboard, glancing for a minute till she spots my name.

"Ah here you are follow me" she smiles, which I return.

We walk into the first buildings of dorms, we make a few turns, finally after what seems forever he finds it.

"Room 6c, and if you have any questions find me, Miss Stacy. Or consult your roommate. All the upperclassman were paired with a lower class men. Your room is." She looks down.

"Julia Robison" she walks away.

I take a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. Great an older roommate.

I open the door slowly to see half of the door decorated, and the other half empty. I see a girl on her bed on a Mac book.

"Uhh- I'm Jill" I say standing at the doorway awkwardly.

She looks up supposed then smiles. She seems nice?

"You must be Jill, I'm Julia, but no one ever calls me that, I go by Ju-Ju, juicy, or whatever. But if you call me Julia its fine." She had nerd glasses that seemed to fit her personality, and she was gorgeous.

"Ok" I smile.

"Well you can unpack, and then we an get to know each other."

I start by making the bed with my comforter, then the walls then my clothes. It honestly only took 30 minutes and Julia went to get something to eat, and I sit on my Ed to wait for her when Im done.

She only takes another five minutes, and I see she brought back Taco Bell.

"Here" she hands me a bag and a drink.

"Thanks" it was kinda wired, because we were just sitting and eating. Julia must have noticed.

"So what's your major?"

"Medicine what about you?"


"So tell me about yourself, anything I would need to know? Any boyfriends back home" she wiggles he eyebrows, my face pales.

"No-o" I stutter.

"Oh I see long story?"

"Yea, he kinda cheated, but we both went through a lot I'm surprised it lasted that long."

"Do tell?"

I told her everything. But I felt like I could trust her. And even if I couldn't who was she to tell.

"Woah they should write a book about your life"

"Tell me about it" I agree.



Just a filler, wooooohhhh college!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the mistakes guys I swear when the end come ill fix them.

Please comment!

There would atleast be 3 comments a chap! Now there's like 1!!!!!! So please be a doll!



Fan ;)



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