Chapter Twenty Seven

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Steve kept me out and about for the majority of the day to avoid a run in with Bucky, and come that night I had made plans to sleep over in Jamie's suite with her. I was lounging across the couch and flipping through the movie options provided when Jamie walked out of the bathroom wearing a nice cocktail dress.
"The room is all yours tonight," she stated, checking her reflection in the mirror by the door.
"Where are you going?" I questioned. I sat up on my elbows to look at her better.
"I have a date."
"Woah with who?"
"A guy I met this morning," she said with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
"You met someone here at the hotel?" My eyebrows furrowed together.
"Yes I did. And don't worry about waiting up for me." I could see the sly little smirk she wore on her lips in her reflection.
"Oh well have fun! But not too much fun. And be careful. This is the kind of stuff that will have you featured on Dateline." Jamie rolled her eyes, but had a smile on her face.
"Bye!" I waved her off as she closed the door behind her, leaving me alone.

A couple minutes into watching some random horror movie there was a quick rasp on the door. I quickly jumped up from the couch and skipped towards the door. I didn't even bother to check since I had ordered room service just twenty minutes before, but when I opened the door to discover it was not room service my breath got caught in my throat and my stomach dropped. Standing there with his hair matted against his forehead was Bucky.
"What are you doing here?"
"I won't have much time before she realizes I'm gone. I need you to help me, Rosie."
"Who? What's going on?" I questioned, backing away from the doorway.
"Enter my mind," Bucky demanded.
"Why? I don't understand."
"Please just do it," he begged. I watched in complete confusion as his irises changed from the beautiful sea blue I had fallen in love with to a dark purple.
"What the hell?" I muttered. Without wasting anymore time I entered Bucky's mind as saw traces of someone else's powers. I traced it back to the memory tied to it and saw Karma entering Bucky's mind. She was able to take complete control of him. Once exiting his mind I looked at him with a sorrowful expression.
"I'm sorry I have to do this," I stated before grabbing his face and slamming it into my knee. He fell to the ground unconscious and I sighed.

I felt anger begin to bubble inside me about to overflow like an active volcano. Why didn't it surprise me that Karma was behind all of this. Noticing how suspicious this scene looked, I grabbed Bucky and tried to drag him into the room. I propped his heavy body up against the wall opposite of the couch and sat down across from him. I wanted to stay with him to make sure that the cognitive re-calibration worked and I got Karma out. I was surely going to give her hell for what she's put us through, but Bucky was my main concern.

A few minutes later I noticed that he began to stir and he groaned.
"Rosie," he breathed out when he locked eyes with me. He groaned again, gingerly touching his nose.
"Sit still," I demanded as I stood, walked over to the fridge to get some ice, and wrapped it in a cloth. I returned and sat in front of Bucky, gently pressing the cold cloth against his face.
"What happened?"
"I hit you. Kinda hard. I'm sorry," I explained.
"No I'm sorry. I'm sure you had good reason to. Did...did you get her out?"
"I did. When did you know she was in there?" I questioned.
"I always knew. I was constantly trying to get her out, but she was way too strong for me to fight off. I'm so sorry Rosie."
"No need to apologize. This isn't your fault. I should be the one apologizing. I was too caught up in my own emotions to realize what was going on. I also lost your promise ring in the ocean." I looked down at my feet embarrassed.
"I'm just glad you're still with me. You are still with me, right?" I looked up into his blue eyes and smiled softly.
"Of course Buck." I rested my head on his shoulder as he took my small hand in his. I was angry. Angry at Karma. I had nearly lost the love of my life all thanks to her. And for what? No reason would be able to excuse or justify her actions. I knew she wasn't to be trusted at all. I could feel my rage building up again just waiting to be released. I was tired of her interfering with my life.
"Rosie are you okay?" Bucky questioned.
"Yeah I'm fine," I replied quietly. "There's something I need to go take care of." Bucky obediently stayed in the room like I told him to as I stormed out of the room.

I found Karma in the bar, chatting to some handsome stranger. I stalked toward her angrily and caught her throat in my hand, yanking her off of her stool before she had time to react. She wiggled and clawed against my grip, but it wasn't any use; I was far stronger than she. Karma and I were both born with our gifts, but mine was greatly enhanced by the super soldier serum which gave me the upper hand.
"You bitch," I growled.
"Hello to you too," she gasped under my grasp.
"Hey! Let her go," the man protested. With my free hand I pushed against his chest causing him to lose his footing and go sliding across the bar floor. People were fleeing the scene in horrified panic.
"You thought you could fuck with my life again? You thought you could outsmart me? Our powers may be similar, but I am far stronger than you ever will be." My grip tightened causing her to choke. All I saw was red, my heated gaze focused on the woman in my hand. I didn't notice the bar quaking, bottles and glasses quivering rapidly and falling off of tables and counters.
"You know...all of this...stress on your can't be good for the baby." My brow relaxed its angered crease and transformed into an expression of shock.
"What?" I mumbled out. My grip on Karma's throat loosened and she smirked.
"Rose let her go!" I heard a stern voice demand from behind me.  Steve pried my hand away from Karma's throat and I let her body crumple to the floor, coughing and gasping for air to refill her lungs.
"Get her out of here," I stated lowly. Bucky's arms were around my waist and it took my jumbled mind a few moments to register that it was him who had a hold of me.
"Rose what happened?" He asked worriedly. I watched Steve and Clint help Karma up.
"I just-I got angry and lost control." Bucky sighed and pulled me into an embrace.
"It's okay. We'll send her home."
"I think I need some time alone," I stated, pulling myself away from him. He nodded and I quickly left the hotel.

Walking down the streets of St. Lucia I asked a group of locals where I could find a drug store. They pointed me in the direction of a small store on the corner and I walked there in a daze. Baby. That's all I could think of as I entered the shop, as I asked the storekeep where I could find what I was looking for, as I paid for it, and as I walked back to the hotel trying to conceal what was in the bag.

I stared at the pregnancy test in my hands as I sat on the cold tiled floor in the bathroom. Positive. I was going to be a mother. Better yet, Bucky was going to be a father. I thought of what to say to him, how he would react, what he would say. These thoughts started to build up along with my anxiety.
"Hey Ro. What are you doing in here? Are you alright?" His gentle, yet masculine voice startled me, making me jump. I looked up into his eyes, and chewed on my bottom lip.
"What is that?" He asked, motioning to the stick in my hand with a nod. I stood slowly, glancing down at the test before meeting his eyes again.
"A test," I replied.
"For what?" His voice was laced with worry, and his brows knitted together as he studied me carefully. I smiled and took his hand in mine.
"A baby," I stated quietly while placing his hand on my stomach. His eyes widened, and I saw them glass over with tears. The expression on his face scared me because I didn't know what he was thinking. He was tearing up, but I wasn't sure if it was good or bad. Before I could search his mind for the answer, his lips curled up in a wide smile.
"You're going to be a father, James," I stated. He suddenly pulled me into a hug, and a chuckle vibrated through his chest.
"Rosie we're gonna have a baby!"
"Yeah," I confirmed, tears filling my own eyes. He cradled my face in his hands gently as he looked at me adoringly.
"I love you."
"I love you too." Bucky pressed his lips to mine softly then continued to pepper my entire face in sweet kisses.
"Do we get to tell the others?" He asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.
"Of course! But for tonight let's keep it to ourselves."
"Sounds like a plan." He picked me up carefully and carried me over to the bed. "You're gonna be the best mommy."
"So are you."
"I'm gonna be the best mommy?"
"No! The best dad, you dork!" I exclaimed with a chuckle. We laid there, my head resting on his chest while he rubbed my stomach until we fell asleep.


So a shorter chapter as I get into the flow of writing again. I'm sorry I haven't been on here in ages. I was told I wasn't going to graduate high school, but I've been currently working my ass off in order to do so. I probably won't be posting much as graduation is right around the corner and I still have a lot to do. But I am not giving up on this story! I have plans for y'all when it comes to Bucky and Rose. Stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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