Oh hell no One direction fan fic (written by Ferris)

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Aria's P.O.V

I sit in the office area of the orphanage waiting for my new 'family'. Apparently five guys adopted me from this hell hole. I look at the lady behind the desk. She's typing and typing and typing, god this is boring. I look out the window and see a limo pull up. God i swear if their a bunch of rich snobs, i ball my hands up in fists. Squinting my eyes i look at who gets out a guy with dark brown hair, and what looks to be brown eyes. oh! i know him, Ummm.....Liam Payne? Right? yeah that's right you know it is i think smiling. Wait Oh Hell no! i am not living with HIM! She said five guys...DAMN i have to live with ALL of them?! I HATE one direction HATE! Liam walks into the room and looks around. Smiling at me he holds out his hand. "I'm Liam, Liam Payne" he says. I stare at his out stretched hand...Oh! He wants me to shake it! I reach out and shake his hand. He turns to the fat lady behind the counter and talk to her. I quickly rub my hand on the couch. EWW EWW EWW EWW EWW he touched me! A little voice screams in my mind. I Grab my bags and look at Liam. "Here let me get that for you" Liam smiles and takes my bags. HE'S TOUCHING MY STUFF!!!! ewwwww i'll have to disinfect all of it. I walk with him to the limo and get in. Squishing myself as close as i can to the door so i won't touch any of them and get herps or some shiz like that. Wait...can you get the herps by touching someone? No you only get it if you have a cold sore.....then how do you get genital herps? OFF TOPIC!! I look at the blonde one who's talking to me. "yeah Nick?" I ask. He frowns "My names Niall..." He says. "It is? I could've sworn it was Nick" Well this is awkward. We just stare at eachother awkwardly for a while. "RAWR" I scream causing them all to look at me. I look at them. "What?" I ask making myself look innocent. "Rawr?" Zayn asks. "Yush RAWR" I say. Suddenly Blood on the dance floor comes on the radio. Harry goes to ask me something "DO NOT TALK PEASANT! THIS IS MY SONG!" I scream literally shoving my hand in his mouth. I start to sing, horribly might i add.

Bunker bustin' mega ultra super, ahh ahhh! Holy crap, ahh!

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! K.O.!

One-up, power up, already leveled up

Options set to difficult, love a challenge, typical

Raging through my enemies, kicking ass so happily

Supernova, bend you over, to the lava! game over!

I'm saying "Yay!" when I'm knocking you right off the stage,

Bitches hate but I don't play, smash a Goomba any day!

I'm on a mission, trying to save the princess!

Dashing, smashing, knock you outta commission!

I'm a killer like a Manson, you're blowin' like you're Hanson,

Your powers are weak when you go against me,

You better recognize, leave you paralyzed!

Body in the woods, leave you here to die,

You will never find another one of our kind!

Like a machine; ultimate design!

Super power monster flowers to the sky!

Beyond! Uh!

Course clear winning cheer!

I'm on star power!

Incredibly invincible!

Knocking bitches out the way,

Watch me on instant replay!

I'm on star power!

Incredibly invincible!

Knocking bitches out the way,

Oh hell no One direction fan fic (written by Ferris)Where stories live. Discover now