Free Write: A Surprise In Some Way Or Another

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Merlin knocked on the door with a happy grin. Today was the day. He was going to tell Arthur. He was going to tell Arthur everything. From the reason he was so constantly at the tavern, to why he constantly said he had saved Arthur's life. Today was the day. And today, everything was going to change. For better or for worse, but Merlin was tired of holding this in.

He entered Arthur's chambers, that smile still plastered on his face. Merlin was slightly surprised with himself that the idea of telling Arthur everything did not make him in the least nervous. This was something his Prince had to know. They were friends, and friends couldn't keep secrets. Besides, Arthur wouldn't have Merlin sentenced to death on his birthday. 

The said Prince happened to be at his desk, pouring his attention over a stack of papers. Merlin was actually taken by surprise at how unusual it was for Arthur to actually be completely focused on anything, instead of telling Merlin to do it all. '

"Arthur! I wanted to tell you s-" Arthur looked up, eyes growing wide as he flipped all the papers over, hiding whatever he was writing.

"Not now, Merlin! Can't you see I'm busy?" Merlin sighed in exasperation.

"This is more important, Ar-" 

"No, it really isn't." Merlin threw his hands out in an annoyed gesture. Of course, the clotpole prince wasn't even going to try to figure out what Merlin was trying to say. 

"Really, I need to tell you this! Please just listen to me for a mo-" 

"Gwen," Arthur gestured for Gwen to come out from her position near his closet. When did she get here? 

"Sire," Gwen did a little curtsy at addressing the prince, smiling happily.

"Please take Merlin out of here. I need to concentrate," Gwen was suddenly behind Merlin, gently guiding him out the door. 

"What? No! Arthur, please!" 

"Now, Merlin," Arthur drawled impatiently 

Throwing his hands out in frustration, Merlin stormed from the room, hardly noticing Gwen following him, until she took his hand and led him out to the courtyard. 

"Tell me what's been bothering you, Merlin." She spoke gently, sitting them down on a bench. 

"What's been bothering me?" Gwen gave a small encouraging nod. Merlin was appreciative and a little bit astonished that someone such as Gwen was willing to listen, "Well, first of all there's Arthur. He's completely thoughtless and unappreciative to what I do for him! Does he even know how many times I've saved his life? Noooo. It's always 'muck out my stables Merlin, clean my boots Merlin, why isn't my armor polished Merlin?" Merlin had been imitating Arthur's voice, "And he won't even listen to me now that I want to talk to him!" 

Gwen patted his knee, smiling comfortingly, "I'll listen, if you want me to?" Merlin shook his head to her offer, smiling at Gwen's kindness.

"No, it's not that important anyways..." Gwen nodded, and Merlin suddenly noticed a couple people he knew slipping into the castle. Friends of his from around Camelot. There was the baker, and the tanner, for one, and Merlin knew they couldn't stand each other. And then a Gardner and a tailor Merlin knew to be best friends were entering separately and looked almost as if they were sneaking around. Merlin turned back towards Gwen.

"Something weird is happening, Gwen...." Merlin warned his friend, and her eyes widened considerably, obviously nervous. 

"What's happening, Merlin? Why do you say that?" Merlin looked at the people again.

"Everybody is sneaking around...." Merlin did not realize how paranoid he sounded at that moment, "I need to tell Arthur!" Merlin began to stand, although he was halted when Gwen's hand was suddenly on his wrist.

"No, Merlin! I should go tell Arthur and you should sit right here and see if anybody else is acting the same way!" Finding sense in what Gwen said, Merlin sat back down to glare at the familiar faces. 

It took thirty minutes until he stopped seeing people he knew, at which point Merlin noticed Gaius, frantically running out of the castle.

"Gaius? Are you alright? What's happening?" The old man took a moment to catch his breath, before running back into the castle and beckoning for Merlin to follow.

"Merlin, come quick! It's important!" Suddenly scared for his prince, Merlin followed after his caretaker. 

When the trail became clear, Merlin realized they were heading towards Gaius' chambers,

"Gaius, what happened?" 

"You have to see for yourself, Merlin. It's terrible!" When they entered the room, it was pitch black. Trying his hardest to hold back the fear threatening to overpower him, Merlin made his way into the room blindly, unable to see a thing, until suddenly-

"SURPRISE!!!" Everybody was there, all of the people in Merlin's life since he had arrived to Camelot, "Happy birthday Merlin!" Merlin couldn't help but let out a laugh. Was this really all for him? 

Then the real partying began. They had cake, and games, and all that fun stuff, and Merlin got to talk to all of his friends while a group of performers played music. There were decorations that must have taken forever to put up.

It wasn't until an hour later that Arthur finally approached him again.

"Hey Merlin, about earlier, what were you trying to tell me?" Merlin's mind drew a blank

"I've completely forgotten, thanks to you, clotpole."

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