Shipping: I Deeply Regret To Inform You...

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World War Two AU

'Damn it Merlin! Why did you have to have such a sense of loyalty? Why did you have to be so good?"

Arthur sighed, shifting again in his bed. The blond squad captain had not gotten a good night's sleep since the actual incident, if one could call it that. Arthur thought it was surely more likely that the Italians had given them away. How else could the bloody Germans have known their exact meeting place?

It was at three in the morning that Arthur finally switched on his bedroom light and fetched the picture of Merlin smiling. Three months now. It had been three damn bloody months. The black haired boy's grinning face was what brought Arthur back to that first day.

"Wipe that smile off your face, private. This is war, not some carnival game. What are you smiling about anyways?" Everything about the young man ticked Arthur off. The way Emrys made up words, the way it seemed impossible for him to stop talking, his all-around weakness, stupidity, and the boy's annoying tendency to never stop smiling. Even when the men were supposed to be at attention.

"Sorry sir... it's just... Your shirt isn't all the way tucked in. It makes you looked silly" Oh, and Arthur hated that the boy was always finding another way to embarrass or insult him.

Ignoring the warmness that rose to his cheeks, Arthur rolled his eyes, "Let's see, Emrys... That comment will give you... hmm... two miles running and a hundred push ups. Also, you will be in charge of first aid for these two following months. You'll stay out of the way if ever we are to engage or talk with allies or enemies, understood?" The boy was still smiling, a light shrug his only response, "Now!" Rolling his eyes slightly, Emrys ran off to begin his miles.

It was three weeks later during dinner that Arthur had his first conversation with Merlin. Although both men were drunk, Arthur was surprised to find that he enjoyed talking to Emrys. The boy had ended up being more witty and cheeky than Arthur had thought, and it surprised Arthur that he liked it.

The two had talked every chance they had for the next couple of weeks, finding themselves closer with every conversation.

"You know, Merlin. I think I might like you... You're more of a soldier than anybody gives you credit for," That night had been the first time the two had ever been alone together. Arthur had been dying to reveal his feelings, but always anxious. Merlin was going to call him disgusting, Arthur was sure. But then there was always the chance that...

"Are you drunk? You've never called me a good soldier before," How was it that Merlin ignored the most important part of Arthur's words?

"I like the way you make up words. I like that you never stop talking. The way you come off as vulnerable, although there's so much hidden strength. And... I love that you're always smiling. You always bring a brightness to my day Merlin..." Arthur supposed that it was somewhat ironic. The things that had made Arthur hate Merlin in the beginning, later let the captain grow to love the private.

"Arthur... I think I love you," Of course Merlin was able to say it more easily.

"Merlin... When this war ends, come home with me? I want you with me every morning. I want to see you every evening. I never want to leave your side for as long as I live,"

"Yes! I promise... To imagine going home to you, Arthur Pendragon... And I never want to leave your side either..." The smaller man's blue eyes flitted up. Arthur also observed that he loved those eyes. They were beautiful, like an ocean on a calm day. So deep and feeling that Arthur was sure he would fall into the sparkling orbs.

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