Ch 1: The Heat

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On the Thousand Sunny...

"It's so hoooooooooooooot!!!!!"

"I'm dyin' here!!"

*incoherent mumbling*

It's only been a few days since we've departed from Zou, and I don't think that we'll be able to last another hour without food or cold water, because the Sun just hates us at this moment. Everyone is rendered immobile from the immense heat-

"It sure is a scorcher... I might just end up a mummy...Hey, Nami, wouldn't that be like my own resurrection...but in my own particular way?" Brook says.

"Like I would care!!" She replied. I nodded weakly in agreement.

"Like anyone would..." I trailed off.

"By the way, can I see your panties?" Brook asked.

"I don't even have enough strength to beat you up..."

Like I said.

"Due to that tempest just a few days ago, we've been lacking provisions," Pekoms said.

"It's finally clearing up!!" Carrot exclaimed. Nami followed up quickly after.

"Hurry!! Fish for food before the weather changes again!!!"

"We really want to Nami, but...." Chopper began.

"The sea is so hot it's at the point of boiling! We can't catch any fish at this rate!"

Then Luffy, with his dehydrated face, turned to Chopper and said," Desperate times, desperate measures..."

"Hey, stop eyeing me like I'm pot roast!!" Chopper yelled. I slapped Luffy to try and get him out of his stupor.

Then Pedro pointed out," Luffy!! Your line is pulling!!" Sure enough, it was. Everyone began yelling at him to pull on it with all his strength, but he wasn't strong enough, so I stepped in and helped him pull on it.

'Come on.....COME ONNNNN--'

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I screamed out. What was on the end of the line? A huge fish.


"You did it!"

Chopper went and retrieved a book about fish from Sanji's library, which largely consisted of dirty magazines, while the rest started to ravage it. "Luffy! The skin of the fish is poisonous!! Don't eat the skin!!" Chopper warned. Luffy was already eating it by now, showing Carrot how juicy the skin was. "Luffy!!"

Me and Nami then took the fish to grill it according to Sanji's directions. While cooking it, I flashed back to when I had helped Sanji cook once...


"Hey, Sanji! Can I help with cooking today?" I asked. He faced me and started swooning instantly.

"Of course (Y/N)-chwan!! You can start by cutting those vegetables! Be careful," he replied with hearts in his eyes. I smiled at him and picked up the knife. A few minutes of me cutting vegetables after, I wasn't paying attention and accidentally sliced my palm open.

"Ow!" I held my hand in pain, but then Sanji took my hand and his eyes widened as he examined the cut.

"(Y/N)! You need to be careful! I'll take you Chopper," he insisted. I shook my head.

"Sanji, it's alright. I can go by myself. Just keep cooking without me," I insisted. He hesitated to answer, but I left the room before he could reply. I ran out of the kitchen. Only then did I realize what happened, and my face heated up and turned red.

Love, By Any Other Way, Could Never Feel As Sweet As Yours(Sanji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now