Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Alec, Syaoran, and Kaz were gathered near the crime scene. The three of them were anxious, wanting to put the death of Foster behind them. With his death, they were finally able to gain their freedom.

No more dirty work for the cheap bastard, thought Alec.

With his death, I can finally visit Diana's grave without regret, thought Syaoran.

I will always grieve for you brother, but it's time to move on, thought Kaz.

They were soon approached by Lucas. Looks like one of those fancy pants that live on the upper east side. Looks like the easy type to mug, thought Alec.

Lucas pulled out his I.D once more, "Detective Rivera. I understand that you three had an...unusual relationship with the victim?"

"Yeah, this one was fuckin' his brother," Alec said, pointing to Kaz.

"Shut up, you don't know anything," Kaz shouted back.

"Ladies, relax," said Syaoran. "Kaz was not a brother with benefits. They just had a tense relationship that Alec was jealous of."

Alec turned on Syaoran, "You wanna go!?"

"Enough!" Lucas shouted. He took a deep breath to calm himself, trying not to knock the three of them out. "The sooner we finish this, the sooner we get to leave and I get to go home to my wife and kids."

"Yeah and we'll be resting happily jail," added Kaz.

"You've all made your decisions by joining this gang. You knew it wouldn't end well," Lucas said.

"Whatever man," muttered Alec.

Lucas loosened his tie. "Now, let's get your statements. Alec, where were you from 11:00 pm to 12:00 am?"

"I was helping my ma at the chemical plant."

"Your mother is a chemist?"

"You think if she was I'd be joining a gang?" Alec said. "She's the janitor."

"And she has access to all the rooms in the plant?" Asked Lucas.

"Guess so," shrugged Alec.

"And what did you do after helping her?"

"I went home to shower and change my clothes, like I always do."

"And then?"

"I headed down here 'cause of the meeting."


Alec rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we were supposed to meet here at 2:00 am."

"Seems a little late don't you think?"

"Only time I could show up."

"I see," Lucas scribbled something in his notepad. "That will be all from you, thank you." He then turned towards Syaoran. "I'll need your statement as well. Do you consent?"

Syaoran nodded. "Ask away."

"Where were you from 11:00 pm to 12:00 am?"

"I was with Alec, helping his mother out."

"Would you say you're close to his family?"

"I guess."

"He left early though," added Alec.

"You did?" asked Lucas.

"Yeah. I went to visit my girlfriend's grave," said Syaoran.

"She's passed away?"

"Murdered. By him," piped in Kaz. "It was a bloody mess. Shook up everyone."

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows. "Why'd he kill her?"

"She talked. Busted the whole damn gang. Five were arrested and to keep them quiet, Foster shot 'em," said Alec.

"Geez," muttered Lucas.

"Yeah, he was a bastard," said Syaoran.

"Around what time would you say he left the plant?"

"I don't know, around 11:20?" answered Alec.

"Right," Lucas wrote their statements down. "Kaz --"

"Let me guess: statement?"

"If you would. Where were you from 11:00 pm to 12:00 am?"

"My brother's grave."

"Same place as Syaoran?"

"No. Derek's is on the other side of town."

"Death by..." Lucas trailed on.

"Foster," Kaz answered.

"His own brother?"

"He was the previous leader and a wall blocking Foster's path to power. Derek was in his way, so he killed him. Plain and simple."

"Weren't the three of you brothers?"

"By loyalty. Not by blood. Derek got me out of an abusive home. He was a mother, a father, and a brother to me."

"It must have been hard losing two brothers in one night."

Kaz just shrugged. "I'll always love them. In my own way."

Lucas wrote Kaz' statement and walked to a secluded corner, studying what he wrote. Who could the culprit be? Wondered Lucas.

"Dude! What the hell!?" Shouted Alec, rubbing his knee. He was glaring at Kaz

"Screwing my brother? We all know it was you he was screwing. The guy played you like a fiddle," Kaz counteracted, shoving Alec hard onto the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey! Break it up you good for nothing punks!" shouted Lucas, heading in their direction. He reached down and yanked Alec back up to his feet.

Alec stumbled, trying to regain his balance. A coin fell out from his pocket. "Fuck you. Fuck all of you!" He shouted.

"Can all of you just calm--" Lucas stopped in mid sentence. His eyes zeroed in on the single, rusty, penny that fell from Alec's pocket. Something clicked in his mind. So that's who did it. "Detective Jones! Gather everyone around the victim!"

"What for?" Asked Grayson.

"I've figured out who killed Foster Warren."  

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