Miss Laila looked worried. the day went by, still ollie did not return. I walked home, it gave me more time to think what happend. i didn't have much to process. he was there then ten minutes later gone! I saw his house in the distance, then ran franticly over to it. His mom was gardening. MISS PHILLIP MISS PHILLIP, where is oliver? i asked. " i dont know, i thought he was with you. Are you sure he didn't get lost?" "I'm sure he didn't. We talked right before math class. We walked , I looked back, and he was gone." I responded worried. "Okay, we'll start a search party tomorrow." she said assuringly.
i couldn't sleep. i tossed and turned, thinking about ollie. I can't stand the fact that my best friend is lost. We've been friends since first grade. Finally I fell asleep. It wasn't as peaceful as I'd wish though. I had a horrible nightmare. I was walking in a cave, a monster shot up from the ground. i was rescuing ollie, but i went to the wrong place. sundenly i woke up with an idea.
i got dressed for school quick, i had to find esther and marci." ESTHER, MARCI." i screamed as i ran around franticly looking for them. i bumped into esther walking to our class. it was biolegy, we were partners. "esther, ollies missing we need to save him. " i said ,"we need marci too."ok?!?" "wait what are you doing!!!" i draged her to marci's class. "MARCI, come on, ollies missing." ok." she responed. " do you know where he is?" she asked. "nope!" i replied. "The search party is starting today." I said. "Are we cutting class? I really want to cut class!" said Marci. " Umm.... sure! I guess we can. Sounds like fun!" I responded excitedly.
Mystery / Thrillerhi guys if anyone has feedback or corrections coment or pm me