Texting Taehyung (V BTS)

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A/N- sorry for the long update, I'm a busy person you know :)
Btw, this is going to be random af (all of these are random anyway)

TaeTae: Hey Y/N guess what?

Y/N- what

TaeTae- the whole point of 'guess what' is to guess duhhhh

Y/N- errrrr your finally doing a duet with Jimin?

TaeTae- NOOO I can't believe you don't actually watch our bangtan bombs

Y/N- you know that I'm busy all the time Tae

TaeTae- what watching attack on Titans (jinandchanyeolrlife somehow got me to watch it, oh also OtakuIsMyMiddleName got me into anime again) no matter how good anime is Y/N, you should at least support me I mean bangtan...

Y/N- Tae can't you just tell me now...btw it's not just attack on Titans there's other anime's too!!!

TaeTae- finnnnnne

Y/N- good chicken

TaeTae- what?

Y/N- nothing just tell mmmeeeeeee

TaeTae- ok ok, I finally accomplished my dream!

Y/N- what? You can cook now?!?

TaeTae- I already can cook!!!

Y/N- you can??

TaeTae- I always have been good at cooking are you trying to say that kimchi I cooked you was actually disgusting??!!

Y/N- .......

TaeTae- what I've been trying to tell you for the past 10 minuets is that I've finally learnt the lyrics for cypher part 5!!!!!

Y/N- your kidding right?

TaeTae- nope!

Y/N- so I've wasted 10 minuets of my life to know that you know the lyrics to cypher part 5???!!!!! That's practically half an episode of Tokyo ghoul!!!!!!

TaeTae- ...

Y/N- yeah ok bye

TaeTae- well at least Jimin would appreciate my accomplishments

Y/N- ok I'll stay then...... Well done Kim Taehyung

TaeTae- what about the smiley face???

Y/N- your not serious right

TaeTae- just do it

Y/N- :)

TaeTae- thank you. Bye now!!!

Y/N- (- . -')

snowsweeties   >>only you<<

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