A Day In The Life Of Emily

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       Through the window, which had been cracked open a bit, came a slight rustling sound from the leaves of the oak tree outside. The mockingbirds began to sing as I had started to rise from my comfort zone, my bed. A peak of light had then shined through as I repeatedly rubbed my eyes to the waking of morning. I could barely catch a glimpse of what had just jumped on top of my legs when it hit me. Scruffy. Scruffy, (My Siberian Husky), who I’ve told many of times not to climb on my bed while I was still half asleep. Reaching for his fur, I decided that maybe it wasn’t the right time to scold him; he had been pretty good since last week’s family reunion and maybe it was time to give him a little more freedom.

     “Emily, are you up?” I could tell it wasn’t going to be a pleasant morning by the sound of my mother’s voice.

     “Yes mom.”

     “Well get down here you’re going to be late for school.”

      My Morning plan would always begin with me TRYING to get myself out of bed, putting on clothes that wouldn’t totally reflect that I looked like a huge nerd, walking down the stairs into the kitchen to eat my breakfast and drink my cup of Joe, and then rushing out the door to make it to the bus stop for school. But, today was different. Who knew my life was going to be such a complete mess. I was walking down the stairs, one creaky step at a time, when;



      As my mom would every day, she was rushing to prepare breakfast for my little brother Michael, and my baby sister Rachael when she tripped over the leg of the dining room chair where my step-dad had been sitting only moments before eating his breakfast and as usual rushing off to work, mom was so preoccupied with what she was doing she didn’t notice my stepdad had forgot to push in the chair where he had been sitting , and that’s when her foot had caught on the leg of the chair and she dropped the plates with the pancakes and then everything all splattered onto the floor.

   “Emily!” mom called for me as I heard her mutter something under her breath about men and stupidity, “could you please help me pick up these pancakes off the floor. Ugh… Sometimes, I don’t even know why I bother with that man.” she hissed angrily to herself.

   “Sure mom”

   After I finished cleaning up my siblings breakfast off the floor and trying to keep Rachael from eating it off the ground, I finally headed off to the bus stop where I met up with my friend Lucas. He seemed quite peculiar the way he was just standing there, taking his phone out of his pocket every 20 seconds; the way anybody would if they were awaiting for a very important call. And in his case, he was probably awaiting a call from his mother whom, which I would like to point out calls all the time before school to let her little “Pumpkin” know how much she loves and cares about him. 

  “Hey princess, whose call are you waiting for, your mothers?”

  He looked up at me. “Um, no dude. I’ve been trying to AVOID those calls for about a month now. I couldn’t stand being near her any longer, so I moved out about 4 weeks ago.”

 I remember when he first told me that his dad had left him and his mother around the age of 11, due to some issues that the parents were having. (He would never really go into details about it.) But what he had informed me about the situation was that his mother had always depended on his father for many things. She would also be very clingy. It was like she was attached to him by the hip. I guess after the leaving of Lucas’s dad, she felt she needed someone else to do those exact same things to. And unfortunately, that person was Lucas.  

 “Well, I’m sure your mom didn’t like the idea of her precious little boy moving out and leaving her now did she?”

 “She was basically fighting with me the whole time and then explaining to me that I’m just like my father. I honestly don’t care though, because I know I’m nothing like him. She’s just been doing so much crazy crap lately that I just don’t feel like dealing with it any longer.”

 “Yeah I understand. So where did you move to exactly?” Before He could answer, the bus had took a stop right in front of us. The doors opened and we went to go inside as quickly as possible.

 “Joeys letting me stay by him for a while. But there was one condition…” He added.   I looked to him in a suspicious manner while slipping myself into the third to last seat on the right side of the bus. “And what exactly is that?”

“Well… apparently there’s this girl, and her names Katlyn. And even though I’m sure as HELL she would never in a million years go out with him, he feels that he would have a chance with her. But here’s the thing, he’s super scared to even say a word to her and this, is where I come in…” As me and Lucas continued our little conversation, we had failed to realize that we had some others behind us listening. At last, I decided to turn my head to the back of the bus only to see three of my other friends; Zoe, Heather, Michael, (and my older brother “Stephen”).

 “How long have you guys been back there!?” I started to chuckle.

 “Well, I’d have to say at least… THE WHOLE DAMN RIDE! THANKS FOR NOTICING!” Michael always enjoyed yelling, even when it wasn’t necessary…


We were finally here. Jackson High, home of the Jaguars.

We got off the bus and then, before we knew it, we were heading straight towards hell. (School)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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