The Gods up above

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After the death of the goddess.......
Somewhere, beyond the ever changing sky of this world was a country. Within the country was more or less over sized versions of people, each with the beauty or the looks that could start wars, so much to the point where those types of looks were considered ordinary, sometimes ugly, and where humans were the very definition of ugliness.

Now, there weren't that many of them, a thousand at most, they were usually the supreme rulers of a world, and each of them have ranks, and loved meddling with other peoples affairs because of a sickness called immortality and boredom. 

The minor ones were usually the most annoying, mostly because their world usually kills itself off (war, famine, diesease, etc) because of their incompetence in ruling over them, so they go to bother other Gods or Goddess's worlds and cause problems. The higher ranking, more bored Gods and Goddess's usually ignore them as they don't cause that big of a problem, and it is rather interesting to see what they would do. Also, they were to lazy to get rid of them them self.

Now, there was a certain God, sitting on a throne, staring at a larger version of what we now call TV, he found that TV rather useful, as it was much better than the usual crystal orb, plate, or magick mirror. He should probably go and thank his friend that gave it to him.

Suddenly that God started smiling, very creepily, and for those that knew him, would know that he was up to something, and that something wasn't good.

"Interesting, interesting," he nodding, stroking his beard and muttered to himself  "ah, that insect finally died."

And the most scariest of all, "I wonder if.........."
Somewhere on whatever the heck the planet is called
A silver haired girl was heading towards the demon king, totally  not getting lost and all......
Actually, she had no idea where she was going, she was just following the very dark and ominous  aura that reeked of death, guessing that it was coming from the castle of the demon king. 

A dark blue haired guy was tagging behind her, looking extremely bored, though if you looked closer, his red eyes were darting here and there, on guard for any dangers they may have to face.

Suddenly, Zero stopped, and looked around before shrugging whatever it was off. For a moment there, she felt a very dark ominous aura, many shades darker than the one that the demon king's castle was giving of.

'How odd, this aura feels familiar,' she thought to herself before drawing the conclusion that, 'the Gods are up to something again'.
A little later somewhere beyond the horizon
"You're daughter is really something huh?"

"Which one? The one going to war, the cross dressing one, the one in the library, the useless one, the one that does nothing that just sits on a bookshelf, the one that ran away-"

"The silver haired one."

"Half of them are silver haired."

"The real young one."

"Oh, that one, what was her name again? Zero?"

"That one."

"Ah, what about her?"

"Well see here...whisper whisper whisper."

"Hmmmm, that's a good idea. At the moment she's undefeated, it would be good for her to face defeat once in a while....... very well. Plus it would get well of some of the real annoying bugs."

I was reincarnated into an otome game and decided to run awayWhere stories live. Discover now