Like a wet match in a dark cave, humanity is useless. We all continue our daily lives without any concern or wonder for knowledge, it's all so formulaic. Only a certain amount of people are successful in life. If you think you are, think again. Only a select few achieve greatness, like Charles Darwin or Albert Einstein. We all just get up, go to school or work, sit there for hours, and cry about it. We cry about not getting raises, or crying about homework. We live simple lives. These simple lives require nutrients so we don't die. We depend on food and beverages for survival, instead of just roughing it and growing to be 70 all on our own, without the need for food. We need water to survive, the good 'ol H20. 2 hydrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom. How simple. We need water, such a simple concoction, for survival. How pathetic. Everyone needs water, some people don't have access to water, and most do. Water is so essential, and sometimes we treat it like feces. We splash it on our coaches after games, we use it for car washes, we sweat, we pee, we pee! Luckily for the human race, evaporation, condensation and precipitation exists. Water is endless, so it's only natural for us to waste it. We drink it though, that's the point. We drink water. We drink it we drink it we drink it we drink it. Wether you like it or not. We drink it. Knock knock. Who's there? Water. Water who? Water you doing in my swamp? Oh yeah also we drink water.
Guy drinks a glass of water in great detail.
HumorI'm really really bored so I'm writing a story about a guy drinking a glass of water with an unnecessary amount of detail. So this basically sums up the plot.