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Blessing Pov

"Blessing!" I heard someone yell it was most likely my Mom I rolled my eyes hard as hell

"I'm gonna call you back, " I said to my friend Deja

I've always wanted to look like her because Deja is so pretty she was thick and all the boys liked her because of her long hair and small waist she was a high yellow skin tone.

I've never really talked to boys because none of them like me I was what Deja called a 4 to her 10

I stood 4'11 sadly at 16 with caramel skin my hair didn't really matter to me I mean it's just a dead cell

"Yes, mom?" I said
"Go to the store for me and get me some chips real quick"

My mom wasn't really tough on me it's was probably because I don't see her much my mom was light and pretty people always tell her she looks like she's from the islands She's from Trinidad nobody ever told me that.

I went and got dressed during the walk to the store I felt weird I always liked playing on my phone so I won't have to look up

I went into the store and walked around I picked out some Hot Crunchy Curls and Air Heads. As I was looking around I felt people looking at me I turned around and seen 2 boys around my age.

The tall one was kinda cute, he licked his pretty pink plump lips when I turned around. He was kind of a caramel color he had to be like 6 feet tall so he was probably a basketball player he was skinny as hell. And best of all he had deep ass waves. He was fine but I knew he wouldn't like me.

The short one he wasn't really short just shorter then the other boy he was maybe 4 inches shorter he was brown skin and he had had the thot cut. He was skinny as hell too. His lips weren't big in fact his bottom lip was bigger than the top. He wasn't cute as all to me but I shouldn't really have an opinion.

I continued what I was doing and grabbed the chips and other snacks I made my way to the cash register as the guy scanned the stuff "10.25" he said I started digging inn my purse looking for the money until a hand placed a 20 dollar bill in front of me on the counter

"I got it ma," the person said

That name was strange to me 'Ma' nobody ever called me that the man handed him his change and gave me my bag.

I stared walking home with my head down "Ma!" I heard someone yell out

I looked around for who he was talking to till he screamed he was talking to me. So I stopped and he jogged up to me.

It was the tall one as he was running the short one was looking. I don't know why I most likely had dropped something and he was giving it back.

He ran up on me smiling

"Wassup ma," he said

I was really confused was he flirting with me of all people this had to be a joke

It kinda felt weird because I don't know what to do when someone is flirting with me.

"Wassup with you?" I asked

I tried my best to be like Deja when she talked to boys but that made me feel awkward

"Where are you going?" He asked me


"Let me walk with you"

"You can't I barley even know you"

"Can I get your number?" He asked me

Why was he asking for my number of all the females he could ask it was me.

"Not to be rude but why?"

"So I can talk to you"

"I guess"

He passed me his phone and I put my number in it under Blessing no emojis nothing

"Blessing huh? You name fits your face"

"What does that mean?"

"It means you pretty and got got a pretty name"

I blushed hard nobody except my mom as ever called me pretty and you know how moms are

"Thank you," I said

I bit my lip and looked down he picked up my face with his fingers I would have slapped him cause my skin sensitive it might brake out

"I gotta go," I said realizing I had to be on my way home

"Ight ma Ima call you" he said

I went on my way home happily.

Deontae POV

"Damn bro she fine"

"Who?" My nigga Marco asked

"Shorty right there"

She was Carmel with a thick figure she wasn't slim cause she had a lil stomach but who wants stick figure bitch? When she turned around I seen her sexy ass pink lips.

Then she just walked away without a wave or anything as Marco hungry ass went and looked for some food I followed him then I saw her at the cash register she was searching in her purse.

I place a 20 on the counter

"I got it ma"

She ain't even turn around the name gave me my change I stuffed in in my pocket as she left with her bag

"Marco hurry your ass up!" I yelled Marco bought his stuff and we ran out side to catch up with lil momma

"Ma!" I yelled out

She turned around looking confused

"I'm talking to you, " I said

She stopped walking and turned around I ran up to her

"Wassup ma?"

"Wassup with you?"

"Wher are you going?"

She looked at me strangely

"Home..." she said kinda trailing off

"Let me walk with you"

"You can't I barley even know you"

"Can I get your number?"

"Not to be rude but why?" She asked looking at me crazily

"So I can talk to you, seen, fit," I said

She shrug "I guess"

I passed her my phone and saw her typing and she passed it back she put Blessing plain as hell.

"Blessing Huh? Your name fits your face"

"What does that mean?" She asked

"You pretty and you got a pretty name," I said

She blushed bright red and looked down

"Thank you" she whispered looking down I picked up her fave

"I gotta go, ain't," she said

"Ight ma Ima call you"

She started walking him and I ran back to Marco.

"ain't gon get with her"

"I know I will"

"How you know?"

"I got her number," I said smirking at him

"She fine as hell bro"

"Hell yea"


😕 sooo this is the first chapter...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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