(9) Taking Her Down pt 1

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Vilu's P.O.V

When I woke up I took a shower,washed my hair, and got out. Then I brushed my teeth,washed my face,did my hair and makeup then got dressed

After getting changed I went downstairs to see no one at the table so I went in the kitchen to see Olga making Orange Juice

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After getting changed I went downstairs to see no one at the table so I went in the kitchen to see Olga making Orange Juice

Vilu: Olga where's everyone??

Olga: Vilu you woke up an hour early

Vilu: I did??

Olga: yes

Vilu: well that's a first

Ramallo: (came in) Good morning

Olga & Vilu: morning

Ramallo: (gave Vilu a pair of car keys)

Vilu: what's this for??

Ramallo:  go outside and see for yourself

I went outside and saw 11 cars outside and they had one of our names on it (An: Like Federico,Ludmila,Camila etc..) I found my car and it was a black Maserati 

I was so excited that I went upstairs and ran into Fedes room and jumped on his bed

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I was so excited that I went upstairs and ran into Fedes room and jumped on his bed

Fede: (fell off the bed) w-what happened??

Vilu: Fede we all got new cars!!

Fede: (half-asleep) ok, nighty night (got back in bed and fell asleep)

I grabbed his water from his nightstand and poured it on him

Fede: (got up) ok ok, I'm awake

Vilu: thank you now get dress and come downstairs when your done

When I went downstairs I saw the girls at the table already dressed

When I went downstairs I saw the girls at the table already dressed

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     Vilu: did you see our new cars

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Vilu: did you see our new cars

Girls: yes

I sat down at the table next to naty and the boys came downstairs while Olga was setting the table

Maxi: morning

Girls: morning

Boys: (sat down)

Fede:  so how are we going to walk in the Studio??

Vilu: well no one knows we're back so make sure you guys all have glasses on and when we got into Pablo's  class we'll take them off

Everyone: ok

30 minutes later

After breakfast we all put on our sunglasses and got in our cars and drove to the studio

It's time to, Take.Her.Down

I hope you liked chapter 9 of New Life, New Home. I will update later and have a lovely day.

- Amani    

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