Chapter 1: The Girl in a Red Cap

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Once upon a time, the world was an okay place. Sure it was nothing out of a fairy tale book. But life overall wasn't to bad.

People lived full happy lives. Most with nothing more than burnt toast or traffic to complain about.

Then about five years ago everything changed. A disease spread across the earth like wild fire. Turning people into flesh eating shufflers. Killed only by a fatal blow to the head.

Many people died.

But a few strong humans remained. Survivors whose fight will likely never end.

Our story of survival starts on the abandoned streets of a city whose name no longer matters.

Where an auburn haired girl in a backwards red cap whistles to her self as she makes her way through the night.

An axe over one shoulder and a basket held tightly in the other.

Her whistle halt as a gunshot rings clear in the night.

Followed by the sound of laughing men resonating around the corner in front of her. Gradually the soft glow of reckless lights breaks through the shadows.

The group of men approaching her hastily. Not a single thought of running passing through her mind. Nor did she plan to hide. Instead she leaned on her axe patiently awaiting their inevitable arrival.

"Well, well, well.. What have we here" the grotty mans southern drawl crept through the night and sent a shiver down the young woman's spine. There was three of them in her sights. All as disgusting as the other.

"I think its a girl boss" one of his companions added a skip forming in his step.

"A pretty girl" mentioned the other licking his dry lips and rubbing his surprisingly large stomach.

"What are you doing all the way out here. All by yourself. You are by yourself, aren't you?" the leader questioned cautiously searching the fog for someone who wasn't there.

The girl said nothing. Only nodded meekly as the man closed the gap between them.

"Don't you know there's Zombies all through these parts. A bit dangerous for a sweet little thing like you" the three of them had her surrounded now. The sick grins on their faces telling her all she needed to know about them.

They were the ones she was looking for.

They laughed sickly and they were close. So close now she could smell their pungent scent.

"Whats your name doll?" one of the other men asked reaching out to stroke a lock of hair that fell over her shoulder with his grubby fat fingers. He will regret that she thought.

"Red" her soft voice whispered. And the man in front of hers grin only grew.

"And whats in the basket, Red?" his eyes flicked to where it was cradled tightly in her arm.

Her hand tensed around the axe for a second her eyes though calculating only remained sweet.

"stuff" she shrugged.

She held back a smile at the sound of clopping hooves in the distance. Though the men remained oblivious of what was to come.

"what sort of stuff?" the man craned his neck.

"I can show you if you wan't?" she smiled now. The softest smile she could muster in the circumstances.

"I'd like that" the head man took another step towards her as she lowered the axe to the ground and reached into the basket. His hand twitching as she looked up into his eyes.

"I have some tinned fruit" the girl placed the tin in front of her like an innocent child "and some ammunition" the men lit up like it was Christmas as the clopping in the distance halted. It was time to have some fun.

"oh and this bad boy." the sawn of shot gun pointed dead at the head of the fat man who had stroked her hair before, its click and boom blowing his brain to pieces.

The other two men acted fast. The one behind her rapping his arms around her shoulders and the other cracking his knuckles loudly.

Quickly she fired a second shot into the man that held hers leg. Making him lose his grip long enough for her to spin around and jab him in the jaw with the guns handle.

The man stumbled backwards and hit the ground with a loud groan. Triumph writing itself across her face for only a second before the leaders fist connected with her lip. Sending her sprawling viciously onto the ground.

"look what you've done little red." he huffed crazily and landed a kick into her guts. "now I'm goin' to have to kill ya." he lifted his foot above her head preparing for a stomp. "Any last words?"
She gave him a grin and raised her hand for a pause, leaving him to raise his eyebrows at her.

"are you afraid of the big bad wolf?" her voice stayed calm and the man frowned at her for only a second. Then the arms she new were coming reached around his neck and cleanly snapped it with a pleasant crunch.

"Red!" a voice growled as the man fell to the ground. "what the hell were you thinking."

The other man who had been cradling his bloody leg began to crawl frantically for the shadows. Red grinned at the man standing over her before pushing herself back to her feet. She still had business to finish.

"a week ago." she walked over to the man.

"Red we need to go" moans caught her attention in the distance as her companion called to her.

"You killed a woman" she continued picking up her axe from the ground as she went. "do you remember?" she leaned down and whispered demonically into the mans ear.

He nodded shakily and the girl ripped him over onto his back.

"she was my friend. And I'm going to enjoy watching you die." with that she raised her axe. Ignoring his plea for forgiveness.

Blood splattered across her face as she dropped the axe down into his skull. His scream cut off almost immediately with the dull thunk.

"Red" her friend was now on a pitch black horse urgency radiating through his voice..

Sighing she placed her foot on the mans face and wedged the axe from his brain before scooping up her basket and swiftly throwing herself onto the horses back behind him.

The shufflers emerged from the fog just as the man kicked the horse into a jumping start.

There speed leaving them quickly in the darkness to feast on the men whose blood now tainted the tar road.


Welcome to the Tales of The Fairly Undead!! 

Thought I'd write this as a bit of fun, I update every Thursday so stay tuned for more chapters. 

Thanks for reading, 


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