Chapter 1

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(A/N - this will always be in Ola's POV)

As I was walking to school, a boy stopped in front of me.
"Hello?" I said
"I want to talk to you."
"I'm sorry, but who the are you?" He gave me a quizzed look as though I was stupid,
"Seriously? You don't remember me??" Now I gave him a quizzed look. Who is he? I've never seen him before. He clicked his fingers infront of my face. I went in a trance again.
"You seriously don't remember me? Oh my god! It's Billy. You know, the boy you used to have a massive crush on me?!" Oh...Oh... I remember him now. Oh no.
"Oh god.  Billy?! Is that really you? You look so different. And how did you find me? You know not that you were looking for me... but you know...?" I was rambling. I always did this when I... Oh no ... when I like someone. No. No. I can not like him. Not again. I embarrassed my self the first time. I asked him out and he laughed at me and said 'as if'. He was the last person I expected to see here.
I was taken out of my trance when he clicked his fingers together and waved his hands infront of my face. I went in a trance again. Urghh I've got to stop doing that.
"Anyway, I wondered how you are? I haven't seen you in a while."
"Yeh...Yeh. Like 4 years"
"Now that's not true. We talked a year ago. You know. Oh god. You can't remember. Why can't you remember??" Now I was annoyed. What was that supposed to mean. I mean I don't remember him. But I don't and it's cause I don't want to. He was mean and horrible and I thought when he first started talking to me he was different. I guess not. Oh well.
"What's your problem?" I said... well shouted
"Nothing. I just don't get it. Why don't you  remember??"
"Cause I don't want to!" I was annoyed now. He broke my heart and then stamped on it. And he thought it was ok. Damn it. In a trance again but before he could be clear and snapped out of it.

"Look. I'm not stupid. You want something. What is it? Tell me now or I will make you-" He interrupted me. He always used to do this
"Listen ok" He paused but not long enough for me to answer "I just wanted to check you were ok. I know we haven't spoken in a while. So...are you OK??" What the hell. He's playing me and like he could my mind he said
"I'm not playing you. Promise" He smiled. That smile. God. It always made me melt inside. It always did. Not now.
Suddenly he placed a hand on my waist and started to lean in.

I pushed away fiercely and looked down. Did he just try to kiss me. No. No. He wouldn't do that would he. I thought he hatted me. He'd always acted like that. Was it just an acted. Damn, another trance. I keep getting these. I just think to much. He waved his hand infront of my face. I looked into his eyes. He looked worried. He smiled. I melted inside. Like warm honey. He's a player; remember that. He placed his hand on my waist for a second time. I put a hand on his chest to stop him from leaning in.
"No. No. Stop ok. What do you want? I know you. You only act like this when you want something. So... answer my question. What do you want?" He looked startled. I guess I've changed even if he hasn't. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him and I'll tell you. It's not far. He smiled again,
"I just want you to trust me again. I want us to be like we used to be. You kno-" I interrupted him
"Like we used to be 4 years ago before you-"
"Before I what? You asked me out I said no. Get over it." I looked at him with a hurt expression.  Not to make him regret what he said but because I was upset. I started to walk away.
He grabbed my wrists. God; so clique. It's like a romance movie.
"Hey. Listen. I didn't mean it like that. Promise." His eyes twinkled. I noticed that the light shone in his eyes giving off a perfect glow. No. No. I'm not falling for him.
"I'm sorry ok. Please. Don't hate for what I said. I was just mad" He was sorry. I guess that's ok.
"Fine. Fine. Just let me go." His hands had moved off my wrists to my hands so it looked like we were holding hands. His right hand moved to my waist as the other pulled me in. His lips grazed my forehead. Oh god. Is he gonna kiss me. No he wouldn't would he. Would he...

Hope you liked the first chapter.
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I will update soon ~ Liv

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