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Jude almost had a heart attack with his daughter's scream when he opened the large doors of the mansion. It was only 7 AM and he was still in his white pajamas, he had planned to sleep in as a gift for himself. Having Lucy and Natsu come to visit him was a surprise indeed.

"Happy birthday Daddy!" Lucy greeted as she gave him a hug and handed him an orange box with a blue bow on it. Natsu who was holding the cake gave him a pat on the back.

"You didn't forget?" Jude said. A bright smile on his face as he received the gift.

"Of course not, dad! Don't be silly," she replied.

"Alright, alright. Let's continue this in the living room," he said as he led his visitors inside.

As they entered the large living room, Jude urged them to take a seat on the red sofa. They all did.

"You didn't have to come you know. I know you two are busy with work," Jude started, a content smile never leaving his face.

"That's nothing to worry about, father. Anything for our old man," Natsu said.

Jude laughed. No doubt he was happy seeing his little girl again after a while.

"Oh wait, let me prepare this in the kitchen. I'll get coffee as well," Lucy said as she stood up and got the cake from Natsu who was still holding it.

"Lucy, let the maids do that," Jude said.

"No, no. Its okay dad, I can handle it," she replied giving him a bright smile and walked away with the chocolate cake in hand.

When Lucy left the room, Jude's attention turned to Natsu. And then suddenly he gave a silent cough, startling the other.

"When are you going to tell her about...your condition?" Natsu asked, concern obviously written on his face.

"Mmm...let's just see about that," the older man replied, "besides, I don't think I need to tell her anymore. Soon enough, she'll know."

"You talk like you're about to die. It'll make her unhappy you know," Natsu said.

"Oh but I am. I know this body of mine better than anyone else," Jude said with a sad smile as he stared at the open window at the corner of the room. Then he turned and faced Natsu, this time with a stern face, "I need you to do me a favor."

"Anything" he replied.

"I need you to send a letter to my son. I have been tracking his whereabouts. My secretary must have his last location, wherever he might be right now. He idolizes you very much, he'll surely listen if it's you. Tell Rakheid that his father badly needs him. Tell him...tell him I'm dying," Jude said.

Natsu looked at him for a moment and let out a heavy sigh. He saw in Jude's eyes that he wanted to see Rakheid to say goodbye.

"Of course. I'll have it done by today." He obliged.

Jude's face softened, as if a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders. A smile slowly formed on his lips.

Lucy was heading back to the living room, holding a tray of coffees and sliced cakes. She was about to open the giant doors when she heard her father speak.

"I'm guessing you haven't told her about the Family?" He asked.

"No. Not yet. But I will. Soon," Natsu replied calmly.

Jude nodded his head, completely understanding the situation.

"I see." Her father said.

Lucy found their conversation suspicious, but in the end she shrugs it off. She pushed open one door with her elbow and made her way into the room.


On their way home, a group of boys recognized Lucy through the car's windshield. They were her 'fanboys', boys who collected magazines with her in it. Even if she was already married, her ratings never dropped. She was still as good as the first time she entered the modelling industry. Apparently, men didn't care if she was single or not, the thing was 'she's hot'.

They started losing it and blocked the road, forcing the car that Natsu was driving to stop. Then they moved to the passenger's seat and pulled out pens, papers and even took off their shirts, clearly asking for Lucy's autograph.

Not wanting to be rude to her fans, she lowered the black shaded window and started to give them what they wanted.

Natsu didn't protest, his wife was a model. It was only natural.

But what got him gripping the wheels tightly like he was about to break a neck were the words coming out of the young men as Lucy gave her autograph.

"Miss Heartfilia, I love you with all my heart!"

"Please marry me!"

"Marry me!"

"Lucy! I'm your number one fan!"

"Your body is to die for!"

"I'll make love to you better than-!"

And that was it, hearing that last shout made Natsu step on the pedal and drive away like Vin Diesel. He didn't give a shit anymore if she finished signing or not.
He was mad. Irritated.

"Hey, I wasn't finished yet. Why did you bolt?" Lucy looked at him.

"If I didn't, all of them would probably be dead right now," he said calmly, but his eyebrows were slightly meeting at the center.

She was about to ask him what he meant, but a blush slowly crept her cheeks. Was he jealous?


Their black car parked at the front of the main house. Natsu told Lucy to go ahead of him when he noticed Erza waiting at the giant doors of the entrance.

"Remember the matter you had me investigate? I had Laxus accompany me. We found out there's more of them," Erza started, her hands folded in front of her.

"Continue" he said, seated on his leather chair.

"It's not just near the Dragneel compound, they're also operating near the territories of the other families. They may be scattered in different areas but all of these goons have one thing in common, they sell and trade drugs," she continued.

"Are you certain of this?" Natsu's fingers rubbed his jaws as he listened to her with his brows knitted together, deep in thought. He could only think of one man who had the guts to do this.

"Affirmative. It turns out we weren't the only ones investigating this matter, the other families were, too. Besides...," she stopped and a faint blush painted her cheeks "...Jellal also told me."

Natsu gave a slow nod. He stood up and put his hands in the pockets of his black trousers.

"Bring me one of these hoodlums," he said.

"What about the others?" She asked, waiting for his answer.

After a moment, he gave her a reply.

"Exterminate all of them. Dont leave one goon breathing."

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