Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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"And I will swallow my prideYou're the one that I loveAnd I'm saying goodbye

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"And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye."

"What are you wearing to Jess' tonight?" I call from the bathtub full of bubbles. Soaking my skin in the soapy water.
"Haven't decided yet." Jeff responds as he walks into the bathroom.
Jeff smirks, removing his clothes. I cock a brow, confused.
"You literally just had a shower." I remind him as he steps into the tub with me.
"And now, I'm in here with you." Jeff chuckles as he positions himself behind me.
My back against his chiseled chest, his arms around my soapy body. His legs crossing over mine and his breath against my ear.
"I love you." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.
"I love you." He responded in the same tone.
Taking our time in the bathroom, we eventually had to make an appearance at this party.
"You sure you're okay driving? We could stay at Jess' place." I mention to him, putting on my black heels.
"Yes for the hundredth time." Jeff chuckles walking over to me.
I'm wearing a light brown dress with a black belt to match him. He wore a light brown top with long sleeves, along with black jeans and black shoes.
"You drink. I'll drive your cute little arse back here and I can spend the rest of the night with you." Jeff assures me as he kisses my cheek.
Once we were ready, we made our way out my front door and out to his car for us to head to the party. We spoke the whole way. Just about how to explain to our parents we're going to be living together before this school year ends. When we arrived, we were greeted by a brunette and a raven haired male.
"Jeff! Andy!" Zach calls, obviously drunk. "You're here!"
"Took you guys long enough." Monty chuckles, taking another drink from his cup.
I was given hugs from both the males while Jeff was greeted with a 'bro-hug'. When we walked inside, familiar faces came into view. Students we went to school with.
"Oh my god, hey guys!" Jessica squealed, pushing through the crowd. "I haven't seen you two, in like, forever!"
I couldn't help but laugh at her drunken state. She would sure be feeling the effect tomorrow. The female host wrapped her arms around us before smiling widely.
"You guys are, like, so cute! How long have you been together?" She asked, slurring her words.
Jeff and I looked between each other with a smile.
"About a year and a half now." I respond, shrugging. "And counting."
"You guys are seriously so cute! I can't wait for until I get to the two year mark with my boyfriend." She admits, noticing our hands. "Drinks! Why don't you guys have drinks?"
Before we could speak, a beer each was pushed into our hands.
"Oh thanks." Jeff awkwardly laughs as she runs away, screaming at another person walking through the door. "Tell me you're not getting that wasted tonight."
Jeff and I shared laughter between us before I saw Clay.
"Project, nine o'clock." I add, nudging Jeff.
He looks up and notices Clay. "Clay! You came!"
Jeff greets his tutor with a friendly smile.
"What's up, guys? Yeah, I've actually been here for a while." Clay admits, shrugging slightly.
"You've come a really long way, Clay." Jeff confesses with proud smile. "I think our work together - we made some real progress."
My eyes avert to another beer; taking it, after I'd finished my first one.
"Right, thanks." I hear Clay scoff as I pay more attention to my drink then the guys conversation.
Within seconds, Jeff sweeps me away to the living room area.
"Bye Clay!" I call over the music as Jeff has his arm around my waist.
Jeff had guided my arms around his neck, while his loosely wrapped around my lower back. I smirk seductively up at him as our lips touch. Our kiss was a deep and passionate, yet soft and loving.
"God, I love you." Jeff softly mentions, pulling away from me slightly.
Keeping our faces inches apart.
"How'd I get so lucky?" I whisper back, playing with the hair on his head.
Looking into each other's eyes, sparkling from the lights in the room.
"It's me who's the lucky one." He responds, leaning down again to connect our lips.
After ten minutes of dancing, Jeff headed out to find Clay because he saw Hannah arrive, while I got us each another drink. I walked over to the two dark haired men having their conversation.
"Ah, fuck me, Jensen!" Jeff says in frustration, rolling his eyes. "Just get the hell in there man! Now, okay? Now or I'm going to kick your arse."
Clay scoffs, shaking his head. "You'd never kick my arse."
"Don't tempt me." Jeff sighs, taking the beer I offered him.
"Go talk to her, Clay." I encourage, with a smile. "You're the reason she came."
"I don't know that." Clay replies, tensing up from how nervous he's getting.
I furrow my brows, pointing inside. "I think you do."
"Go on." Jeff orders with a playful smirk, making a pathway for Clay to walk inside.
Clay scoffed before walking towards the door. He held his hands up in defence as he looked back at us.
"I'm going in. I'm going in." Clay chuckles as he leaves our eyesight.
Jeff and I found ourselves soon playing beer pong after the talk with Clay. The newly discovered couple eventually made their way outside also. Jeff and I couldn't help ourselves but watch proudly at the two teenagers. Every distraction that they encountered, Jeff and I would defuse the situation and get them the alone time - that was what they needed.
I wondered around by myself, grabbing beers and downing shots. I was drunk. No doubt about it. I had found myself in the front lawn, soon surrounded by Zach, Troy, Monty and Jeff. Our conversation and laughter being the only thing in the front, while everyone was either inside or out the back.
Jeff had walked off to talk to Clay who looked like he was leaving; I stayed with the other males but my focus was on Jeff and Clay. I eventually made my way to my boyfriend and his tutor.
"Just hang with me for a while man." Jeff pushes, trying to get Clay to stay. Jeff notices me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, continuing. "We're going on a beer run soon. Come with us."
"Yeah Clay, come with us!" I grin, taking another gulp of alcohol.
"You're driving?" Clay asks in a judging tone.
"Coca Cola my friend." Jeff admits with a smile. "Two beers, two hours ago. I'm good."
"Nah, thanks guys." Clay sighs, walking backwards. "I'm going to take a long walk and consider the wreckage I call 'my life'."
"You're a funny dude, Clay." I confess with a sad smile.
Clay chuckles softly, shrugging. "So I've been told. See you guys Monday?"
"Yeah." Jeff mumbles, upset about his broken-hearted friend.
"Clay!" The males call from behind us.
Clay disappears from sight, walking away from the party.
"Beer run?" Jeff suggests with a hopeful grin.
"Can we go home after? I just wanna be alone with you." I giggle, leaning up to meet his lips.
We smiled into the passionate kiss. Our tongues brushed against each other as our lips parted.
"Mm okay, munchkin." He smirks as he pulls his keys from his pocket.
We say our quick goodbyes before he helps me walk to his car and gets me in the passenger seat.
"Stay here, I'll get Sherri to move her car." Jeff assures me as I nod, understanding his words.
I wait for what seems like forever before I see Sherri exit with Hannah. I was curious about why it'd gone so wrong between Hannah and Clay, but I knew I wasn't in the right state of mind to ask. I was then confronted by Bryce, who had a smile planted on his face.
"Andy, what are you doing here all alone?" He asked, leaning against the car.
I glance at the headlights in the rear view mirror, showing Sherri driving off so we could leave.
"Waiting for Jeff. We're going on a beer run." I reply confidently, trying not to sound drunk.
I didn't mind Bryce but there was definitely something 'off' about him. Which is why I never trusted him.
"You seem...drunk." He states with a chuckle. "Why don't you just stay-"
"You all good, Bryce?" Jeff asks, coming up behind him.
Bryce takes his arm off the car with a smile. "Of course man, just making sure Andy here was all good." Bryce responds.
"She's good. I'm taking her home." Jeff mentions, walking to the drivers door. "So you don't need to worry about her."
"Jeez, calm down man! Just trying to help a brother out." Bryce shrugs, turning away from the car.
Jeff steps into the car, looking at me.
"You okay?" He asks, placing his hand on my knee.
I smile back at him, taking his hand in mine. "Of course, lets go get this beer."
With that, we were on the road to get precautions. His hand stayed attached to mine while we spoke.
"What happened with your project?" I asked, concerned and curious.
"Babe, I'll tell you when you're sober." He chuckles. "You won't remember if I tell you now."
I roll my eyes, laughing. "You're probably right. Your place or my place?"
"We can stay at mine tonight." He grins. "My folks are getting up early so we'll have the place to ourselves."
Jeff had gotten the beer from the liquor store and put it in the back before taking my hand in his. He rises my hand up to his lips and kisses the top of my hand.
"I wasn't lying when I said that when we get this apartment...I'm going to ask you to marry me." Jeff confirms while I stare at him, admiringly. "I love you and nothing is going to change that. I'm determined to spend the rest of my life with you."
I look down shyly, grinning widely.
"Andrea Atkins." I whisper, loud enough for him to here. "Sounds perfect to me."
Darkness. Darkness was what I saw next. My body was barely able to move. I could hear car alarms and the loud breathing I was doing. The only things I could smell was alcohol and smoke.
It took all my strength to peel open my eyes and honestly, I regretted it. Pain suddenly shot through my body as my eyes adjusted to the scene. My hand was crushed between the seats, my ankles were cut up from the glass rolling around by the beer and my lip was busted. The car wind shield smashed while the front end of the car was caved in.
"Jeff?" I mumble, turning to my side.
My worst nightmare. His face was horrifically bloodied and busted up.
"No, Jeff..." I whisper as the tears blurred my vision.
"Jeff! Andrea!" Clay calls, rushing over. His shoes crunching on glass as he makes his way to us.
"Jeff, baby wake up! Please wake up!" I sob as Clay tries to open his door.
"I gotta call 911." Clay admits in a traumatic state.
"Jeff! C'mon, wake up!" I cry hysterically as tears uncontrollably rushing down my face like a waterfall. "You have to wake up! Jeff!"

I jolt awake in my bed, screaming and crying from the horrifying nightmare of events that had occurred. My mother rushes in, reassuring me it was only a dream but if it were a dream, you'd still be here.
"Mom, he's gone." I sob into her shoulder as she holds me. "He promised he'd never leave me, he promised!"
My mother did her best to comfort me but nothing worked anymore. You were still gone. You were now a memory. Fact is: I had to live the rest of my life without you.

"I just want to thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day."

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