5. Interpreting the Prophecy

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Lemme tell you a little something about night duty... it's not freaking fun at all. I had to stay awake, clipping my eyes apart to keep them open while everyone else enjoyed a good night's rest.

Want to know why I was on night duty?

Because Oracle Xyla wasn't up before midnight so we ransacked her fridge, had dinner and everyone voted for me to stay awake because apparently, I was the only one among Zoran and I to be able to narrate the prophecy clearly and get some answers from Oracle Xyla without looking like a fool (which earned a lot of protest from Zoran by the way) and when I questioned why only "out of Zoran and I," they just stared at me as if I'd suddenly grown nine extra heads like Ravan from Ramayana and then, they'd broken it down to me slowly that as the prophecy was most likely about Zoran and I, they shouldn't have to suffer from lack of sleep.

Those slime balls!

Long story short, I ended up on night duty.

And as it turns out, I was awake the entire freaking night for absolutely nothing. Nothing. Oracle Xyla got up around noon the next day and I didn't even get a wink of sleep for my oh-so-beloved friends got up at ten the next morning. Then we had breakfast. Then the Oracle woke up from her deep, deep sleep. Yes, I was grumpy. Yes, I was like the walking dead.

Anyway, as soon as Oracle Xyla woke up, Darin got some water for her to drink. She sipped her water slowly and when she was done, "What happened?" she asked. "Why did I pass out?"

"So you remember passing out but not spouting out the prophecy?" Zoran muttered from next to Vanessa who elbowed him. She got a glare in return.

Yeah, I laughed silently at that scene.

"Oracle Xyla, you spoke a prophecy and then passed out," Regi said and then frowned, "The prophecy didn't sound good at all."

Oracle Xyla nodded. "Does anyone remember the lines of the prophecy?" she asked. So, I see she chose to ignore the part where Regi said that the prophecy didn't sound good at all. Oh well!

Fayth, who was standing behind me, pushed me forward. "She knows it by heart, Oracle Xyla," she said, winking at me.

I glared at her.

"You do Icilia?" Oracle Xyla questioned.

"Yes, Oracle. I remember," I muttered, my voice sounding hazy due to lack of sleep.

"Do recite then please," Oracle Xyla beckoned me forward.

I cleared my throat.

"The day fire meets ice

The forgotten shall raise

And the heroes' choice

Shall unleash his voice

A battle to the end, and war to decide

Who will decline? Who will survive?"

"Was that it Icilia?" Oracle Xyla asked me to which I nodded my head. "Okay then. We must now try and interpret the prophecy."

"Where should we start?" Fayth questioned, raising an eyebrow as though mocking Oracle Xyla. "The prophecy? Or the back story? Or the details you won't tell us? Better yet, how about those details you know but won't tell us which will result in the destruction of Qrison Vlesa and millions of deaths leaving the blood on your hands. Please do pick. Any one will do."

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