Chapter 9

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Wolfgan sat in front of him in their room, with his hands joined together in his lap. Geoffrey crossed his arms, too nervous by his silence.

"Wolfgan?" he said, and Wolfgan narrowed his eyes, blinking hard, a scowl appearing on his face. He looked tired. Geoffrey felt a stab of guilt for troubling him right after such a long travel.

"You say he is alive," Wolfgan repeated, looking right into his eyes. He nodded.


"In the mountains."

Geoffrey nodded again, one hand messing up his hair, too agitated to stop himself. He hadn't manage to sleep the whole night.

Wolfgan seemed paralysed for a second, almost as if hit by a spell. But his tone changed.

"We will prepare the travel," Wolfgan stopped himself, growling a little. "I should have known. I was blind and mamka paid the price for all these years. I should have trusted myself and followed them..."

His eyes were watering and his face was tightening in shock. Geoffrey was feeling his despair shimmering right under his skin, and felt the hum at his throat, used to calming his little brother with old songs. He wouldn't do that in front of Wolfgan. Wolfgan would not take kindly to that, he thought.

"Wolfgan," he said, stepping closer to Wolfgan's chair. "Even though I don't know the location exactly, I'll probably be able to feel Henry's aura in the field." He didn't know if he was just projecting his pain, or if he really felt that way. What he knew was that he felt Henry's despair as if it was his, and when he dreamt about the baby, he hasn't been able to forget his cries since. He took a deep breath."If you take me to the mountains, I'll be able to tell where he is. He's your father, Wolfgan, you need to be strong for him. Please."

Wolfgan looked forlorn and lost, but he straightened up in his chair. Geoffrey felt like he was stepping on false floor. He did not like seeing Wolfgan like that. It was unsettling and he feared... But he did not know what.

"Do not worry, karma is here, and what's due to me will come soon, I feel it. I'll talk to my father and we'll travel to the mountains, and barricade on their walls. And there will be war," he said shaking his head again. "I'm not taking you there. I'm..." he took a deep breath, as if it hurt to say it. "I wasn't strong enough to destroy a Frost Giant that day. Neither was my father. I won't lose you to them too."

Geoffrey clenched his teeth. "I can protect myself, you know that."

Wolfgan's eyes went hard and cold, and his voice made Geoffrey feel a shiver up his spine.

"Enough," he said, standing up. Geoffrey took two steps behind, and Wolfgan followed, and his expression still frightened Geoffrey. He remembered then he couldn't let it show he scared him, he had to hold his ground. Wolfgan put his hands around his face and tilted it up so he could look at him.

"If he's alive, I'll find him. There's nothing on this earth that'll stop me. But you will be here, safe, when it happens."

Geoffrey stayed silent, and Wolfgan softened his grip, caressing his hair. He dropped a kiss on his forehead, rewarding him for his acquiescence.

Wolfgan brought his face closer and Geoffrey closed his eyes when he forced a kiss. The room was dark, barely lit by the fast burning candles, and Geoffrey felt too tired and scared to fight him off. Wolfgan smelled like sweat, grass and smoke, Geoffrey thought. It was strangely comforting instead of disgusting, and it filled up something inside him. He tasted like wine and his kiss was punishing and possessive, but despite that it felt good to have him close again, to feel his heart beating. He felt himself panting when Wolfgan stopped attacking his mouth with his tongue, and saw hesitant, self doubting giant when he leaned back. Wolfgan put his hair behind his ear and leaned until he could feel his warm breath against it.

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