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After the game, Tobin wasn't in the team's reunion. 

She got Allie to drive her straight at Laure's dorm. What one of he Stanford girl said on the pitch pissed her off big time : they sent some people to Laure. Fortunately enough, Tobin kind of knew nothing bad would happen to her because those people are not stupid enough to hit on someone from UCLA during those trouble times. But the only thought of Laure being hurt is annoying Tobin. 

Once Allie's car disappear in the alley, Tobin sprints to the dorm, energetically hitting on the door. When Sabrina, Laure's roommate, opens the door, she frowns. 

"Tobin ? What are you doing here ?" the French girl asks. 

Tobin suddenly notices that she is in her volleyball gear. Quite confused, the midfielder looks at the room behind the girl and notices it's empty, apart from Sabrina's stuff everywhere. Tobin frowns. 

"Do you know where Laure is ?" she asks, worried. 

"Yeah, some girl came here and they left together to the cafeteria of the building right in front of here, you know, the Social Sciences one." Sab immediately answers, raising her eyebrow. "Is there something wrong ? I've heard about what happened at the game..."

"Everything's fine, but I need to find her" Tobin says, and before Sabrina can say anything, she adds : "Have a nice training."

With that said, the brunette just starts jogging to the building Sabrina pointed, still on her soccer shorts, with a cap on. When she arrives in the outside cafeteria, Tobin tenses up immediately. 

Laure is indeed here, and the girl that came by to pick her up is Alex Morgan. When she sports Tobin, the brunette intentionally caresses Laure's cheeks. The midfielder, who is so angry in the inside, starts breathing heavily : she knows Laure hates it when she loses control and punches people, and Alex is probably filling her on what happened at the game. Even though she doesn't know what the exact plan of the Stanford's girls is, Tobin knows it can't be good : they got her once today, by getting her suspended, and they are just keeping on going this way.

So the midfielder calmly walks toward them, and when Alex widely smiles at her, Laure turns around a little bit. When she realizes who it is, she suddenly tenses up, before getting up awkwardly. 

"T-Tobin" Laure stammers in her cute accent. 

"Yo" Tobin lets out, quite angry. She then looks down at Alex, who has her bitchy face on. "Alex, what are you doing here ?" 

"Well, since my restricting order from this campus got cancelled this afternoon - thanks to you, by the way - I decided to come by and see my old friend Laure" the forward says, smirking. 

Even though she absolutely hates her, Tobin has to admit she is a great actress, and also knows what Tobin's weaknesses are. 

"Am I interrupting something ?" the middy asks, staring Laure. 

"Uhm, n-no, we were just about to-"

"Order" Alex completes, smiling. "You should join us, Tobin."

"Your teammate purposely hurt my captain today, so don't think I will sit down with you" Tobin harshly says, her eyes firing daggers at the brunette. 

The French girl, on the other hand, looks rather confused. Alex, still glaring at Tobin, takes Laure's hand in her, before caressing it. Laure, who is a little surprised, has her mouth half-opened, looking at Tobin for a moment, before blushing. 

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