Ye s

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Peppa cried a tear of pure tear ducts while she sprouted a limb from her circular toenail. "Ye s" she nodded sadly instantly hating the stone for no reason. "Why me love we have been together all these years what happend to yer noggin question mark" the smooth jagged stone replied enjoying the feel of ravioli coursing though it's veins. With a swift kick of her second to last middle finger she booted the rock out of the non existent window and watched in satisfaction. "Ima go find myself a bitch" paprika the peg exclaimed while simultaneously conducting a moderately difficult scientific experiment including felt and orange juice water. She added a single granule of salt and watched as a being arose from the wine glass she had conducted the experiment in. Miley Cyrus arose from the concoction in a moistening fashion as gip appep watched in pleausureful agony. "Shoit" mile of citrus explained while taking a sip of her own vein juices. Parappa pig sprouted multiple geese from her magnificently magnificent earlobes while watching in jawdroppingness as the truly horrifying... yet utterly fabulous sight. She abandoned jhonny test in an instant and kneeled down to her new lord and saviour. "Pew pew" she called out in bliss as a sickeningly dry tissue floated from the golden heavens.

Sudeenly, something happens

What's happens?

Idk find out in the next chapter lmao follow ur dreams son I guess jeez.

Peppa pig x miley cyrus Where stories live. Discover now