3. Agaisnt My Skin

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I lose my mind over simple beauty; beauty that can be spoken and interpreted easily like art that can be loved collectively. Something that has no deeper meaning is merely a general piece of commercialised fantasy, a famous Picasso or a Mona Lisa. Whether you love it or not, you're told that you have to think it's beautiful because it follows traditions and holds a place in popular culture. Whether we can rate it's beauty high is another question. We simply agree it is good art in itself, recognisable - which can be mislead as beautiful.
She was a rarer kind. The kind that you had to search for, something with a deeper unveiling truth underneath. It wasn't just her beauty that captured me, she wasn't just another piece of art that I could freely dangle in front of millions and we could all agree it was worth a temple. She was so much more than that. She was...everything in that moment.

A chain coffee shop was the best I could do in terms of a job so far, and I would be attending an interview tomorrow. Claiming I can make overpriced, unimpressive coffee for young girls to post pictures of online was not something I expect to do for long. But for now, it will do.
As I found my way back up to my hotel room, the room, the harmonious room, beside mine's door opened.
"Look, I can't do it today, just stop contacting me," a brittle voice revealed itself. It felt like it came from the same beautiful voice as the singing yesterday, but today...today it was breaking apart. Today it was a crying voice. "I told you I'd do it when I can."
Shards of blue tinsel flooded my line of vision, curling slightly down her back in gentle hoops. A single crimson rose was printed onto her white top, it almost matched the dark shade of her lipstick. Almost. Not quite as deep and complex. It looked perfect against her sunkissed skin, a gently contrast to the rest of the neutral, warm tones flowing through her.
Her eyes flash to mine, briefly making contact before narrowing slightly. Oh...
"Can I help you?" Her eyebrow raised slightly and she turned her whole body to face me. I looked away quickly, making myself look like even worse.
"No, sorry. I didn't mean to stare." I shoved my key in my door and rushed inside before she could reply, heat rising to my cheeks and making a little red tint swirl to my cheeks.
A soft chuckle sounded from outside before a door was pulled shut. I leant back against mine and closed my eyes slowly.
A rose couldn't compare to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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