The only one

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Third person pov
  A h/c girl slept soundly in their bed unaware of the person creeping into their room through the window. Quietly as possible he lands on the floor and the girl's dog lifts it's head and starts softly growling. The man's head snaps towards the dog and slowly makes his way to it. It lets out a loud bark, waking up the girl. She slowly sits up and looks at her dog. "(Dog name) what's wrong?" Then she sees the man. It was (creepypasta). The girl immediately starts getting excited. "It's (creepypasta)! (Dog name) shut up its ok! He's good! I'm Y/n. Sorry about (dog name). I already know who you are! You're (creepypasta). You'll take me with you right? Well of corse you are you probably already love me don't you? Well I love you!" She rambles. The man looks at her. "Tch. Another fan girl." He quickly moves to her bed. "Oh you're going to carry me? Such a gentleman!" He quickly slit her throat and watched her horrified face as she choked on her blood. He opens the door and the dog runs out barking furiously. He jumps out her window and runs into the distance glad he had one less fan girl to worry about.

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