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Louis and I bumped into each other in the bathroom. The first thing I said was "Oops!" Being the devilish thing Lou is, he said "Hi!" From there came the boys on the stairs, and so on. I'll never forget the first time he called me Harold because It was on one of our first "dates".

"Stop tickling me, I'm gonna pee myself!" I yell.

"Sorry Harold, your laugh is too adorable!" He apologizes slyly. I raise both eyebrows.

"My name isn't short for anything."

"Hey, Harold Edward sounds way hotter."

I snapped my head back and laughed one time. Then he launched back into his tickle feast.

"Oh, you wanna laugh, huh?"

From that day forth the fandom called me Harold. Lou and I had an amazing bond from day 1, until he broke it on that terrible day.

- February 23, 2014 -

I got a ring on my phone and saw it was Louis. I basically slammed my thumb on the ignore button and continued watching TV. Ever since the day before I'd been watching that news report on repeat. With a huge bucket of cookie dough ice cream. Everyone knows that's the first sign of heart ache. I hear a banging on my door but I ignore it's still. Then I hear the door open and Louis stands in my living room holding keys. Damn, I forgot I gave him those! I'll change the locks later though.

"I know you heard me, here's some coffee." Lou says moving in front of the television. I accept it but stick out my tongue so he knows he's not forgiven. As I drink it I sneak a peek at him and smile. He's wearing a plain black T-shirt, he knows I live that! I move over a little and pat the couch so he sits next to me. He pulls up the blanket and moves gets in. I lay on his chest and murmur "I still hate you." I feel him nod and say "I know babe." What I don't see is a a

Tear fall from his right eye.

- Flash Forward -

"Dad, where did Mom go?"  10 year old Darcy asks.

"To the supermarket, stop interrupting Daddy's story." Harry chides his daughter.

Darcy, what did I tell you about attitude and being sassy?" Harry asks.

"But Daddy --"

Harry shakes his head. "Louis was sassy as well, but that's a quality I learned to love." Harry said grinning. Darcy half smiles but tried to hide it as her dad launched back into his love story.

- Flashback -

The next day management called us.

"Your show in Philadelphia is being canceled."

"Why?!" Liam asks.

"Not enough people brought tickets, you can't perform for 16 people!"

"You must be mistaken, I called 2 days ago, tickets were sold out!" Niall said laughing nervously.

"Well we've gotten many calls canceling tickets." Was all the person said before clicking off. Zayn runs his fingers through his hair and sighs. "Oh well, I guess they're a little upset about the, uh, announcement." He says as he glances at Louis to make sure he doesn't get offended. I look the other way at the mention and say "So, what now?"

"I think they're a little more then upset Zayn." Niall says scrolling through his twitter.

"Ex-directioner is trending, why?!" asks Liam, on the verge of a panic attack.  I pound my fist on the table and everyone jumps.

"It's because of Louis announcement, obviously." I say looking at him. "Babe, I'm sorry I panicked." Lou apologizes to me again. "YOU DIDN'T PANIC, YOUR SCARED LOUIS, YOU'RE SCARED TO ADMIT YOU MAY POSSIBLY LOVE ME, YOU'RE SCARED OF LOSING YOUR "BEARD"!!!!" I yell finally letting loose what I've been meaning to say.  A beard is what gay guys' fake girlfriend is called. Eleanor Calder happened to be the name of my boyfriend's girlfriend. I absolutely despise her.

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