chapter three

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When Mark woke up he was hurting and felt sick as he went to take a shower as Jack woke up on the floor.

Jack's POV
I slowly sit up and rub my head. "What happend last night...."

Mark's POV
I walked out of the shower and washed my bed blankets.

Jack's POV
I watch Mark, tired and groggy. "Mornin Mark...."I yawned.

Darkiplier's POV
I looked at Jack and grinned. "Hello Jackaboy~"

Jack's POV
I felt uneasy. "You aren't Mark..."

Darkiplier's POV
" I'm not...." I walk over to Jack and grab him by the hair and force him to stand as he had tears in his eyes and pain on his face. "I'm Darkiplier...." I grin.

Jack's POV
I tried not to cry. "Let go of me...."

Darkiplier's POV
"" I throw Jack onto the bed and lick and kiss his neck.

Jack's POV
I tried to get away from him. "STOP!" Darkiplier didn't stop, after an hour he was forcing himself into me as I moaned in pain and cried.

Darkiplier's POV
I moaned in pleasure and went harder as he cried in pain and I smiled. When I was finished I fell asleep as Jack layed naked, shivering.

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