Its the summer holiday

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Dana: *packing her things*

Dana's mom: You ready hun, your dad  is waiting outside in

the car

Dana: yeah im ready now *Gets her suitcase*

Dana's Mom: Ok have fun in barbados..yuor cousin said she has a surprise for you out there

Dana: Ok *goes outside and gets in the car8

Dana's dad: Hey baby you ready to go?

Dana: Yah lets go dad

Dana's dad: And away we go

{at the airport}

Dana: so I guess this is goodbye

Dana's dad: yeah but i'll see you in two weeks baby when i come to pick you up from the airport

Dana: yeah...*hugs him* Bye dad

Dana's dad: Bye baby imma miss you

Dana: I'll miss you too

{On the Plane}

Dana: *Plugs in dre beats to her iphone*

{2 hours go by}

Dana: *falls asleep*

4 hours later...

In sunny tropical barbados

in the barbadian airport

Niyah: Cousin Dana how you been?

Dana: I've been good...I guess

Niyah: Guess what???

Dana: what???

Niyah: you know that surprise your mom was on about from me???

Dana: Yes what is the surprise???

Niyah: *squeals* Ok well i'm gonna give you a makeover to make you hot

Dana: Yay thanks niyah *hugs her*

Niyah: come on first things first we gotta get your hair done

Dana: Ok

{After all the work on dana has been done it is now the day dana has to go back}

At the Barbadian Airport

Niyah: Oh Imma miss you dana

Dana: Imma miss you niyah

Niyah: *wipes tears* Now make me proud...have all those boys dropping at your feet

Dana: *laughs* thanks Come visit soon?

Niyah: I'll try bye cuz

Dana: Bye *waves*

{back in Georgia}

Dana: Hi daddy *walks up to him*

Dana's dad: don't mean to be rude but who are you?

Dana: It's me dana you know your daughter dana *smiles*

Dana's dad: really?

Dana: *gets glasses out of her bag and puts them on* See?

Dana's dad: Oh my gosh it really is you *hugs her*

Dana: Lets go home dad

{At home}

Dana's mom: Dana is that you?

Dana: Yes mom it's me

Dana's mom: you look really different in a good way

Dana: *laughs* thanks mom

Dana's mom: Ok it's late you better go to bed you've got school tomorrow

Dana: I won't be home for dinner on time...I'm doing tutoring with Corahn Lockridge

Dana's Mom: Ok honey

Dana's Dad: Ok honey but if that boy touches you or anything there will be a fight ok?

Dana: Ok dad goodnight

Dana's Dad: Goodnight honey

Dana's mom: Night hun

The Next Day....

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