Chapter 5 |Unedited|

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An hour had passed and I still found myself walking intently, despite heading no place in particular.  I felt I had overreacted slightly, but so had he. 

Goodness! Part of me wanted to go back there and give him a piece of my mind, but the other side of me- the wolf side, wanted to run back to him and smother him in kisses. During our argument, I couldn't help but notice how good he looked upset and my mind was leading me astray from what I should really be thinking, which is that he had behaved like a jerk.  

I heard a sudden break of what sounded like sticks on the ground, and then  was startled when I saw a large wolf meandering in my direction but felt ease soon after, once Amina informed me it was Leo- or I guess his wolf. 

With Leo being Beta, his wolf was larger than the average male wolf. He wore fur that was a combination of different shades of brown with minimal white fur in curtain areas. His fierce eyes, large frame, and stance would let any wolf know he was a Beta. 

I stood still, mesmerized by his wolf. It was beautiful and Amina's howling in my subconscious  told me she thought so as well. Once his wolf noticed my interest, he continued from his paused position until he was placed right in front of me. Even while standing, his wolf was only a few inches shorter than my human height of 5'6. He appeared to be looking at me intensely. I assume it's because it was his wolf's first time seeing me. 

Reaching out and petting behind his ears, I forgot that I was suppose to be angry with him - I mean his human side, his wolf  hadn't said anything hurtful to me.

He says we're beautiful , Amina squealed, yipping continuously.

I displayed a soft smile letting him know I got the message. Because I was in my human mold,  I couldn't communicate with him directly. He would have to speak to my wolf and then Amina would need to relay the message to me. 

My feet were becoming weak from having walked and stood for so long, so I moved to position myself on the floor. I sat with my legs criss-crossed and Leo's wolf followed to accompany me on the ground. His head laid resting on my lap while I pet him. I could tell he enjoyed this because of the wagging of his tail. I giggled at his wolf's playfulness, we seemed to get along great and for some reason I felt more comfortable with this side of Leo. 

He says he wants to apologize for Leo's behavior and hopes you'll accept his apology. Amina informs me . Leo's wolf seems patient and reserved, which is a perfect contrast to Leo's outgoing personality. They were a perfect ying and yang. I suppose Amina and I were the same. Amina is much more talkative and outgoing than I am , and she provided the vigor and energy I needed at times to defend myself. 

He wants to know if you're comfortable with speaking to Leo again  Amina informs me

I nodded, letting him know he could shift. Turning around I allowed Leo to put on clothes, before I met his gaze again. 

"Hi" I said, nervous, I was afraid we would get into another argument. 

He smiled gently intwining his hands with mine and pulling me nearer to him. 

"I'm sorry about before, I should have never raised my voice at you. I hope you'll forgive me" he says 

I nodded, easily accepting his apology 

" I guess I should apologize too, you're not the only one at fault here. I know you're still hurt by my actions, but I want you to know that I am sincerely sorry Leo, if I were able to go back in time, I would." I say 

He nods seemingly content with my apology- at least for now. I wasn't ready to disclose more about myself which was my lack of confidence and mental disorder. I was guilt ridden from hiding so much from Leo, but I didn't want to dump all of my luggage out at once.

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