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You were alone crying
Tyler walks up
"Y/n?! What's wrong?" He said
He walks closer
He holds you cheeks lightly.
He removes the hair coming you cheek
These is a bruise
"Who did this?" He sounds angry
"My ex boyfriend. He saw us. He was mean."
He kisses you
At least someone cared
You kiss back
Tyler looks at you
"Well he wasn't the right man for you. Your sweet,kind,caring, and beautiful. If he couldn't see that well than he h-he only likes you for your looks and popularity." He says
"Thank you. You know what. My perfect man is standing in front of me. You cab see past my looks and my voice. You learned something new everyday about me. Your curious. Your cute. And your all that I need." You said
He took you some where
The woods.

The judge |-/ Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now