Chapter 2- Birthday Suprises

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*UNEDITED!* P.s, Sorry Its Short!

No no no. That baby couldn't be me. It's not possible. That baby girl had golden blonde hair, where as my hair is black as night, and I don't ever recall dying my hair black. My parents said that I was a normal healthy baby, not one that was set to die. Maybe this is all a dream. Just my imagination. I mean, I am pretty creative. I dismissed the dream as quickly as it came and yawned.

Suddenly besides me, Panda stood up and started hissing. Her black and white fur poked up all over her tiny body.

"What the hell, Panda?" I whispered confusedly as I went to grab her.

She scratched my arm the beginning of my wrist to the middle in one single quick movement. It started bleeding slowly and I hissed under my breath. Ouch, that hurt. I flinged myself out of bed, tripping over my pile of clothes. Gee Elywnn. Nice place to pile clothes.  I picked myself back up and continued on to the bathroom, a little less energetic. 

As I was in the hallway, my ears perked to the sound that was my parents voice. I only heard a few words like "Birthday, soon, coming, him." It suddenly hit me. I'm sixteen today. Humph. I don't feel different, except with a sore leg from my earlier trip. 

In my bathroom, I put my wrist under the cold water.  I've only been awake for barely twenty minutes and so far, I've been scratched by a pissed off cat, tripped on a pile of clothes, and might have a pizza coming. Wonderful. Panda went pretty deep, I hope I don't need stitches. I sighed and pulled my wrist from under the freezing cold water. After that, I looked for a band-aid but only came up with a hello kitty one. This will have to do. I stuck it on perfectly and grinned.  Hey, at least something went right.

I exited the bathroom and quickly went down the stairs, trying not to trip. I hope my mom is okay today.  She seemed really different and sad yesterday. 

"Mom? Dad?" I called out once I reached the bottom of the stairs, heading into the living room. It was an exquisite model home, it had all the new technoloy and devices. But it didn't feel actually lived in. It just felt like a place to stay, not a place I would call home. 

I walked into the retro styled kitchen and found them sitting at the kitchen table with a worried expression on both of their faces. My dad was tapping his foot, something he did when he was either angry or nervous. Oh god, I hope they didn't find my report card. Maybe they found out I skipped a day. It was only because I didn't feel good. My dad stays home and blames it on flipping back problems. He's not even that old!

My dad finally decided to speak up, "Honey, we need to talk." Well shit.I slowly walked over to the table when I sat down and erupted like a volcano.

"Okay I swear I didn't mean it, I only stayed home because of lady cramps, you know what thats like mom. My report card only went down because I failed a chemistry test, don't blame it on me, it was-"

"Elywnn, calm down. It's not about that. Wait, what do you mean you failed a chemistry test?" My mom put in trying to stop my babbling. But then when she processed what I said she raised her eyebrows. Yeah no, today is just not my day.  

"Nothing mom. What did you guys want to talk to me about?" I hinted back to the main subject, trying to distract them.

My moms face twisted with pain and tears started to build up in her green eyes. I could also notice some under eye bags and wrinkles that were not there yesterday. She was probably up working on on a art project.

"Dad, what's wrong with mom? I urgently asked him, fearing the worst, What if shes sick, what if-

"Elywnn, you don't belong to us anymore, as of today."  Something rose inside of me and I couldn't contain my laughter. I usually always laugh when I'm nervous.

"Thanks dad, wonder joke. Now seriously," My mood quickly changed from playful to annoyed. Why couldn't they just spit it out?

"Elywnn, he's serious." My mom quietly said as she wiped her eyes with a tissue.

Okay, my parents are officially crazy. Not even tofu crazy, mentally crazy. How can I not belong to them anymore? I'm not even eighteen yet.

"What do you mean?" I stood up, knocking the chair back.  

"You were actually never ours. You belong to him." My dad whispered to himself while stroking his chin.

Him? Oh god, did they sell me on the black market?

"No Elywnn, we didn't sell you on the black market." My dad quickly reassured me, guessing what I was thinking.

"Dad, who is he? Why did you sell me? Do you not love me? I mean yeah I eat a lot but -"

"He's coming. We didn't sell you sweetheart, it was our only choice to save you."

"Save me? What is this, survivors freaking island?" I shouted while backing out of the kitchen slowly. I made it to the living room and looked at the front door. So close.

"No, Elywnn. Wait come back!" My dad shouted at me through the front door, but it was too late.

Directly behind our house was a set of woods that went on forever. When I was a little girl I would play in them all the time. I knew all the hiding spots, hopefully they wouldn't find me.  I kept on running till I was some what deep in the woods. 

My lungs were finally exhausted so I sat down by a fallen tree stump and sighed. Great, now what? Do I tell the police that my parents are crazy and probably sold me to an old pervert? Or do I risk going back and being sold?

I sighed for probably the tenth time that morning and banged my head on a nearby tree.

What am I gonna do? It's not like I can go to a friends house. My crazy parents probably alerted them that I've gone missing. I can't go to school either because it's spring break. I didn't even bring my cellphone. 

My parents are crazy.  Who would sell their daughter? What did they even get out of it?

"They didn't have a choice." A deep voice rumbled in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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