Chapter: 3

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Audition room

One of the Judges POV

After that girl left named Jaemin. "What do you think of her." One of my co-judges asked. "You mean Jaemin." I said. "Yeah" he replied. "Well she is amazingly talented." My other co-judges said. "I agree." I said nodding
"Let's get back to work so we can finish this and submit this tomorrow." My co-judges said in unison. I think Jaemin will become a great idol.

  After 1 day

Jaemin's POV

Today is day of the result. Out of 250 there will be only five trainees that can join the BigHit Company. I am near the BigHit Building right now,driving my car.

Time skip ~~~~BigHit Building

"Good morning ma'am what can we do for you." One of the security said.
"Good morning to you too sir, can I ask where are all the applicant of becoming a trainee went?" I asked.
"Oh, right there ma'am." The security said pointing to the red door.
"Thank you." I said then went to the red door as I open the door I can see them that they already started.
" I'm sorry I'm late sir." I said to the person in front.
"That's okay we're just getting started just go get a sit." Said the person.
"Thank you." I said then went to find a seat,at last I saw a seat next to a pretty girl. I smiled to her then she blushed.
"Is there someone sitting in here?" I asked the girl
"No!,I mean none." Said the girl shaking her head.
" Very well then." I said then listen to person in front.
"Good morning everyone my name is Chan Jonhee as you can see all of you auditioned in BigHit yesterday and only five can become our trainees but there will be always next year." Said Jonhee.
"I will announce now the 5 talented ladies of the year Park Kei, Won Jinhee, Lee Mingyoo, Park Chaeri,and lastly but not the least Kim Jaemin." Said Jonhee.
I was shock to hear my name I thought I can't be called but here I am now standing in the front with the 4 other girls. I scan they faces and I saw the girl who I sit next to. I wonder what's her name but right now I really really can't believe that i was called in the front. Starting right now I will become a Trainee of BigHit Entertainment.

"Hi girls my name is Chan Jonhee, starting right I'm your manager." Jonhee said.

Oh,right Jonhee is a female in her middle 20's. "Girls let's introduce ourself first." Jonhee said.

"I am Park Kei, I am 17 years old Korean, I auditioned in rapping and I love cooking." Said Kei

"I am Won Jinhee, I am 15 years old Korean, I auditioned in main vocal and I love shopping." Said Jinhee.

"I am Lee Mingyoo, I am 16 years old Korean, I auditioned in rapping and I love food." Said Mingyoo.

"I am Park Chaeri, I am 16 years old Korean, I auditioned in main vocal and I love reading." Said the girl who I sit next to.

So they're my unnies and now it's my turn.
"Good morning my name is Kim Jaemin, I'm 13 years old Korean, I auditioned in everything and I love eating." I said nervously.

"Wow,your so young Jaemin and wow you audition in everything."  My noonas said in amazement even Manager Jonhee was amaze.

After 5 Months Later~

Me and my Noonas are improving as hell and also we have been getting to know each other during our break time and also our manager gave us an apartment near BigHit. By the way to day is Holiday that means no practice in 1 week I repeat 1 WEEK!.

So today I'm going home for 1 week and I almost forgot to tell you I am bringing over my Unnies.

Timeskip~~~~ Jaemin's

"Wow Jaemin your mansion is so beautiful and huge." Unnies said in unison.

"Thanks Unnies make yourself at home." I said

We're currently at the front door of the mansion. As I opened the door we're greeted by a dark mansion as soon as I open the lights we're surprised by the loud voices saying "Welcome Back Guys." Mom, Dad and the staffs said.

"Aww~ Thank you guys." Me and Unnies said thanking them.


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