When your sick :P

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(Some of the pastas here have short one cuz I'm in a hurry ;/ So sowwy)

Jeff the Killer:

He walked into your room to see you in your bed coughing like a sick hobo and sneezing and blowing your nose. You had like hundreds of used blown up tissues scattered across your bed. He looked at you wide eyed but to be honest he looked pretty funny with his burnt eyelids and stuff it made his eyes twice bigger.
"Holy shit! What happened to you (Y/N)?!" He asked you and made his way to you as he sat on the edge of your bed.
"I'm sick!" You told him and blowing your nose on a clean tissue paper for the thousand time.
"Oh..well stay here and I'll try and make you some warm chicken soup...If I remember to recipe.." He mumbled the last part and kissed your forehead, leaving you in your bedroom.


You and Slender were walking at his forest, but then you seem to have a terrible headache and was sniffing like you have a blocked nose making you sneeze...a lot!
"(Y/N)? Are you okay? You looked kinda..sick.." He confronted you.
"Cuz I feel sick." You replied sneezing..AGAIN!
"Oh well then I'll head you home and make you a warm meal" He said as he carried you bridal style and teleported to your bedroom as he laid you down on your comfy bed before walking out the door.

BEN drowned:

Ben wanted to challenge you in Mortal Kombats, you gladly accepted like a boss. But in the middle of the battle you kinda felt sick. Like you've been hit with a laptop causing a wave of headache waved over you along puking out your organs! Before he could finish you in the battle, you quickly dropped the controller and ran to the bathroom then to the toilet as you puke. Ben trailed behind you as he held up your hair from your face and patted your back.
"I dont feel that well." You told him
"Well duh! I saw you puking like you want to puke every organs!"
You rolled your eyes playfully at him as he guided you to the living room couch and he made you some hot choco/tea/coffee (A/N: whatever you prefer..)

Eyeless Jack:

Jack has been really sweet to you as he take care of you while you were sick in your bed. Blowing your nose out. He made you some warm soup to warm up your stomach but then again..there was meat in the soup..you thought it was some kind of human organs, but when you ate it. It was chicken!


To be honest, you've gotten a stomach flu. You've been puking everything you ate and when you eat something, the taste of the food taste weird. So when Masky gives a cheesecake you tend to puke it out. So the smartest thing that Masky done was to shove the cheesecake in the blender, as it chopped it to bits and made some sort of cheesecake smoothie. When you drank it you felt a bit better the next day.


You got sick because you walked home from school in the rain without any hood or umbrella. So you were soaking wet when you got home. But the next day you had a terrible blocked nose but thanks to you, Hoodie had been helping you out. Taking care of you through the day and made you some meals to warm up your stomach.

Ticci Toby:

Through the day or two, you'd been very quiet which made Toby a bit freaked out cuz all you do was nod and shake your head along with talking a little. So the next day he decided to confront you of what's wrong.
"Hey (Y/N)? Are you okay? You seem really quiet from the past days." He said when he popped his head through you door looking at you worriedly.
You smiled warmly at him as you hugged him. "I-I'm..okay..I just had..a sore throat..It hurts when..I talk" You replied with a hoarse voice of yours cuz of your sore throat which cause you to cough making your throat burn a lot. Toby kissed you foreheaad and went to the kitchen and made you some warm lemon tea.

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