The Challenge

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*Lacey's POV*

     A caged animal, that's all I am now. Longing to be free but not willing to pay the price. I am but a fraction of the girl I used to be. He made sure of that. He took every person I ever loved and destroyed them. I can't cry anymore, can't feel anything at all. I am numb. Who am I?

When we first fled my hometown that Alex destroyed he kept a close eye on me but never locked me away. After the third time he caught me trying to escape he started locking me in a room whenever he was away. That came to a swift end though when he found me unconscious from blood loss outside my bedroom window. I had broken the glass, ignoring the horrible pain as the shards bit deep into my sides as I tried to squeeze through a window that was two times too small. Why couldn't he just let me die that night? After that, he knew I would stop at nothing, including my own death, to escape. That wasn't part of his master plan of course so a cage became my new home. Even though it's huge, big enough for at least two more people, it was still a cage. I was trapped, the bars slowly closing in around me until I was sure to be nothing more than a bloody stain on the floor.

I have to stop wallowing in my own self pity or I will never get out of here. A plan had been forming in the back of my mind for a while now and the next time he unlocks this door I will escape, or so I hope.

*Alex's POV"

     She was stunning, an absolute beauty. Too bad it won't save her. I can tell by the way she moves that she is well aware of her looks. A flash of her smile, a bat of her lashes, and the guys make fools of themselves trying to impress her. Almost makes me want to kill them too but they're not worth it. Worse than scum, they are. Can't they see she's manipulating them? That not a single one of them ever have a chance with her? None of that matters though, because when I'm done with her, she'll be nothing but a monster.

*Dimitri's POV"

     I'm not really sure what his plan is tonight which scares me a little. No matter though, tonight will be his last.

I knew better than to try and enter the pub so I camped just outside the entrance, hidden by the multitude of cars in the parking lot. His car, well the one he probably stole, sits not even ten feet from me. There's no way he'd leave without it so I know I'm safe here. All I have to do is be patient and he will come right to me, unknowingly sealing his fate. I can't wait to see the look on his face as the light fades from his eyes forever. Does that make me sick? Possibly, but I'm too damaged to care.

*Alex's POV"

     She's trashed, already slurring her words as she spills her drink down her blouse. Now's my chance. I grabbed some napkins from the counter and walked over to her. "Here you go. Looks like you could use a hand." I grinned and held them out to her. She looked up, lips pursed as she tried to focus on my face. Recognition dawned in her eyes as she reached out and took the napkins from me.

"I know you. You're the guy from the grocery store the other day." she slurred.

"Guilty as charged." I replied, a fake grin plastered on my face. " Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure, why not." she replied as she sauntered over to the bar.

"I'll have a Rum and Coke please. And whatever she wants." I told the bartender as I slid a fifty his way. His eyebrows rose, but he said nothing.

"I'll have..uh..a shot of tequila. Doesn't matter what kind." she said with a wink in my general direction. I had to give it to her, she sure knew how to drink. Doesn't matter though, just makes my job easier.

"Make that two shots." I added and slid another twenty to the guy. Within seconds our drinks were ready and took her to a quieter table in the corner. "My name's Joe. What's yours?" I asked, tentatively sipping my drink.

"I'm Hailey. Nice to meet you." she beamed. I already knew that of course but I couldn't act suspicious. "You're really hot, you know." she added, her cheeks flushing crimson. I knew it was the alcohol talking but I had to follow the scripts so I acted shy, "Oh..I've embarassed you." she stuttered, a half smile on her face.

"No,'s okay, really." I replied. "You're..stunning." I added for good measure. She had already took the first shot so I pushed the second towards her. "Here, this one's for you too." She didn't hesitate, quckly downing it in one gulp. She was far gone at this point.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before she giggled that she needed to go to the bathroom. She stood up, clearly unsteady, and started to walk away. I frantically tried to come up with something to say when she looked over her shoulder and with a catty smile asked, "You coming?"

She grabbed my arm and and pulled me into the biggest stall. Luckily no one else was in here and I knew I had to make this quick. I didn't even have time to lock the stall properly before she was on me. Her kisses tasted of tequila, making my stomach churn, as her breasts rubbed forcefully against my chest. In one quick motion she pulled her shirt over her head, her perfectly round breasts now completey bared. Too far, this was going to far but I didn't want it to stop. I knew this was wrong, not part of the plan but I was powerless to stop. "Oh Joe, please!" she begged and it was like cold water had been thrown in my face. What the hell am I doing? Rage like I've never felt before consumed me and I grabbed her throat and squeezed. Her eyes flew open and she desperately clawed at me hands, to no avail. Her body went limp in my hands and I knew I couldn't kill her so I let go, her body falling to the floor. I carefully picked her up and carried her out of the restroom and to the fire exit right beside of it. Not before I left my message on the bathroom wall for all to see though. I grinned, most impressed with myself as I carried her into the woods and away from the life she knew.

*Dimitri's POV*

     Piercing screams filled the night. I jumped up, preparing myself for the worst. Girls rushed out of the pub, their guys following behind them confused. Some were crying, while others just stood there in shock. What has he done? I thought as I ran inside. It doesn't matter if he sees me, just please let me be okay, I silently prayed. The place was nearly empty, with the remaining bystanders all grouped near the bathrooms. I pushed my way inside and froze, my blood turning to ice. "COME AND FIND ME, DIMITRI." it taunted in bloody letters still dripping red.

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