The move

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Amelia's  P͟O͟V͟
I am  sooo happy. My friends and I have been dreaming of this moment since we were 12. My friends Phoebe, Savonna, Alex and I were moving to LA,California to study film. We are experienced film makers because we have our own YouTube channel well just Savonna, Phoebe and I do. We are at graduation."Are you scared Phoebe?" I ask. "Yeah are you Amelia?" she asked "Yeah but excited" I reply. We get our diplomas and meet up with our families. My family already threw me a graduation party so did Phoebe, Savonna, and Alex's family. "Guys get together so I can take a picture" my mom says. We take the picture and  I walk up to my boyfriend Alex Rivkowich."hey we are graduits" I say smiling. He looks down and says "Amelia why are you smiling?" I look at him in confusion."what do you mean Alex?" I see Rylee Haron standing behind him (Rylee is actually Alex's gf in real life she took my man) ." Amelia I can't deal with a long term relationship" he whispers looking down. Rylee comes from behind and kisses Alex on the cheek. I stood there in shock."what's going on here?" Savonna asks. I didn't move until Rylee took Alex and kissed me him on the lips. Do you know what I did? I punched her. Yeah yeah it wasn't right but it sure did feel good. So Savonna, Phoebe, Alex and I all went home to change then we all went to the park."This is were you guys shot your first YouTube video" Alex recalls. "yeah we all had some good times here on this playground" Phoebe adds. "That's true... hey remember when Amelia broke her arm trying to pole dance" Savonna jokes." Oh my gosh so many weird awkward memories here hahaha" I say. Alex says "Hey guys don't forget tomorrow we leave for Cali WOOT WOOT". " That reminds me... We should head home and get our beauty sleep we have to get up early" I add. Every one agrees and we all go home, ________ BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP "uhhhh shut up" I yell at my alarm clock. Wait it's 7:54 our flight leaves at 9. Good thing I packed the stuff I needed already. I run downstairs and pour me a bowl of cereal (lucky charms only the best cereal ever). I hear my phone it's Alex. "hello" she says. "hello" I answer with a mouth full of cereal. "Amelia what time does our flight leave?" she asks."9" I answer. " OK cool cause I am ready" she says. "OK call the peeps  and see what's up ok" I tell her. "ok will do" she replys. I end the conversation "ok bye". Because now I have to get ready. I get changed I put on a teal aero pastel t-shirt on and high waisted Jean shorts with white vans. Mom stars the car and tells "Amelia it's time to go!!". I text the peeps

Me: meet me at the airport in 10
Phoebe: ok will do
Savonna: I will be there in 5
Alex : I am already there lol

I grab my suit case and my duffle bag and walk to the car. My mom helps me. I crank up the radio to my favorite song  LA Devotee by panic at the disco it felt appropriate to listen to. My mom looks at me and starts to tear up. I can understand why she is crying I am the last one to leave the nest and I am moving so far away. We arrive at the airport I see Alex, Savonna, and Phoebe. I guess their Parents already left so I look at my mom and said goodbye and give her a hug."Amelia!" she says. "here" she gives me an onvelope. "Dont open it yet" she instructs. "ok love you mom" I tell her. " I love you too" she hugs me. Alex, Savonna, Phoebe and I board the plane. " We are doing it"Alex says. "Yep living the dream" say putting my headphones in as we take off."goodbye New York State" we all say.

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