1. He finds out about your ex

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Calum:  He notices you looking through your phone at texts to your ex and he just blanks it, thinking its nothing, until he was sat next to you and he saw you had still kept the photo that you and your ex took when you went to paris. Calum didnt know what to say as the other boys were in the room at the same time, until he says "y/n can I speak to you in the kitchen, please" he wasnt smiling at all, which made you very confused so all you answer with is "urm.. sure?". Calum just stood there staring at you and then a small crystal clear tear ran down his left cheek, all you could think was 'omg whats wrong'.. which 2 minuets later you ask him but he ignores you, you keep asking him, begging him to tell you what was wrong. Then 5 minutes later after asking the same question over and over again Claum responds with "does he till text you and see you...?" You had no clue what he was going on about until he says "I know you still have the photo of you and him at Paris" then you suddenly became hot and struggling to breathe. You take a pause and begin to speak "omg.. no we dont see each other or he doesn't text me... for one Cal hes got girlfriend..." "oh.. I just thought because you were reading texts from him and you had that photo still...", you thought he was breaking up with you so you begin to cry and Calum hugs you and tell you with a tears in his eyes"its my fault I got the wrong end of the stick and just thought... now I feel bad". You knew he was going to find out eventually so you say to him "ill delete everything now... its you im with not him"... Cal just smiles and kisses you and thanks you.

Luke:  You were on your third date... after all long day of work and him recording his new single,  he takes you to a beautiful restaurant in the city. You thought it was just you two in there until a strangely familiar and you notice it was your ex. Luke asks you "who's that babe"  you just looked around the restaurant thinking of how to respond to it.. when you look back yiu find Luke not in his chair, You saw Luke talkimg to your ex.. you walk over worried Luke would be upset but as you got to the table they were at, they were laughing you ask "Whats funny" Luke says "Nothing its just I didnt know there was alot of embarrassing stuff about"... "hes my ex" "I know and I dont care babe" both of them smiled at you... you judt walk away, pick up your stuff and walk out the restaurant.. Luke comes running after you "y/n... wait..." he catches up with you and asks you whats wrong, you respond with "nothing... just leave me alone..." "im not leaving you". you told Luke what your ex did to you and Luke took your hand and took you home... as soon as  you got home Luke told you "I will never leave you ever y/n" "I love you Luke" "I love you babe"... you sat for hours  cuddling and laughing at Lukeys jokes and watching funny YouTube videos.

Michael: Micheal began to laugh at you getting worked up over a specific number calling you everyday, one day Michael answered your phone when you was taking a shower and your ex said "hello... is this y/n?" "no its Michael y/n's boyfriend"... the phone went silent for a minute  "oh I need to speak to her" "anything you say to her, you can tell me" "but im her ex".... Michael just hung up on the call. You walk out the bathroom and he tells you who was calling you and you just looked at Michael thinking he was joking, but then he gave you the look he gives you when hes not joking. An hour had passed and you never got a phone call again, 'what have you done Michael?!'.. you ask him what did you tell him and he says I told him in your boyfriend... Michael didnt see the problem but there was a problem you wanted to know what your ex had to say and now you wont find out thanks to mikey. You didnt talk to Michael all day until he asks you "seriously what have I done...?" you ignore him and then Michael gets frustrated and just says "fine... be  fucking rude to me.. its not like im your boyfriend" "omg what you mean by that" you asked shocked "maybe try thanking me instead of igniring me for making him not call you again" then he walks off upstairs, and you dont see him till you go to bed several hours later.

Ashton: It was ashtons 20th birthday party, all the 5sos boys were there and your ex who your freind invited, as she thought it would be halerious. Your ex begins to talk to you asking if you were single,  you just shout at him "NO... YOU EVEN KNOW THAT", your ex thought you broke up whem he found out about you argument a few weeks ago. Ashton then walks over singing 'Dive in' and you begin laughing but you ex still tries to talk and Ash says to your ex "can you please go away... y/n is my girlfriend now... NOT YOURS!"  your ex walks off and you thank Ashton by kissing him lots, which he loves. The party had been going on a couple of hours now and people were starting to leave but your ex stayed longer everyone else and you were getting really annoyed so you started havung a go at your ex and Ashton notices and comes storming over and has a go at yor ex himself telling him to piss off and leave you alone. Ashton could see you sitting on the alone and he thought something happemd between you and your ex so he askes you and you omly say "he did norhing, its just...I..." "you what?" he askes "it dont matter... im going to bed... night"... Ashton just gave you a serious look right into your eyes and said "oh ok then... night... love you".. you didnt answer him back.

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