Chapter 16-My savior?

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Amelia's P.O.V.

"Get up" said Leo.

My hair was roughly pulled by his long slender fingers with calluses on the joints. The hands of an angel who had come to save me.

He yanked my hair upwards, and against my will I let out a small whimper of pain.

With my eyes a little wet I stood up.

Little tufts of hair drifted down my face, a sharp stinging pain covered my scalp.

With his hand still tightly grabbing my hair he dragged me towards a wide black car with tinted windows and gleamed as a well polished car would in the light.

One of the monsters grabbed the handle of such a sleek car and pulled open the car, revealing a cool leather interior with a dark light overhead and two opposing seat with a small table in the middle, complete with a cooler on the side.

I felt a sharp stabbing pain in the back of my neck, the feel of a long needle retracting from my skin, the rush of a feel, a numbing feel spreading throughout my back, encircling towards my neck, choking me, suffocating me in it's cold embrace.

As I welcomed the cool arms of such a creature, I fell towards the dark that steadily approached me. Falling into the sleep that welcomed me.

After ?? time

Amelia's P.O.V.




The sound of a continuous drop of water falling at uneven intervals somewhere at an unknown place.

The stuffy smell tickled my nose and a black scratchy cloth tightly bounded my eyes and mouth, furthering irritating my nose.

My nose twitched.

Suddenly all the air in my lungs were sucked out with a huge ooff, it was the feel of a wide stick with an attached hook, a leg maybe, slamming into my solar plexus at the middle of my chest, where my ribs are connected, with insane strength.

Confused and scared, hurriedly and wildly I blindly reached up to block these attacks, to bend my knees as close to my chest as possible, in order to cower on the ground from this merciless attacker.

As I moved my arms up, some sort of material with straws poking out of it, bound my wrists tightly, and I felt my shoulders popping out of its joints momentarily as I tried to slip out of the object's grasp.

My knees were the same, my knees and ankles were bound together so tightly by the same type of material that any movement from the lower part of my body would have been impossible.


Wriggling around I cried out muffled screams.

"So you are awake."

I lifted my head to identify the source of the deep voice with such a teasing tone, as though he was toying with me.

Abruptly, the cloth was ripped from my eyes, and light filled my vision that was, just a moment before, occupied by a dark void.

As my eyes were adjusting to the new light, I realised that the room wasn't very bright, but it was very big.

There was an upright table shaped like the outline of a body, with a bulge for the head and an ever declining slope for the rest, complete with straps for the neck, arms, legs, hands, and feet in one corner of the room.

On the wall beside it was a collection of what seemed to be gardening tools. A huge barnlike ceiling with a vaulted roof. Metal all around. Three or so lights hanged from the ceiling. A drip fell from a rusty sink at another corner.

The objects in the room didn't add up. Why gardening tools and table that looked like an restraining table from a mental hospital? Why a sink of all things? Why anything?

My head was suddenly sharply lifted up by a gruff hand.

"Ready to have some fun?"

Staring into my eyes, saying such words, smiling a wicked smile that promised wicked things, was none other than the person I had considered my savior just soon before.

The angel who had saved me.

The man who I would soon come to know as the Alpha, Leo.

Leo...he grabbed my hair and dragged me to the table, eyes wide with horror I stared at the tools on the wall, they weren't gardening tools, they were tools for torture.
A baseball bat, a long knife, a saw, ordinary objects that weren't any reason for concern. But they were covered in blood. The sink had a pool of blood leaking into the drain, the drip wasn't a water leak, it was the blood hitting the pipe of the sink.

Screaming again, I struggled against the ropes, the binds, wriggling as though my life depended on it, which it did, twisting and turning as I was pulled by my hair.

Crying and screaming, all I could see was his smile, so eerily wide, so cold and so malicious. Pulling my head by the roots of my hair up to the table. Strapping me by the neck, stomach, and legs to the table.

Reaching underneath me he untied my hands and quickly, very quickly, I whipped out my hands to give a good solid whack to his head

Which was to no avail as he caught it fluidly in his hands and, in that same motion of weightlessness, strapped my hands by my sides with absolutely no effort at all.

Grinning in that same wicked grin again, he stepped back, to inspect his own handiwork.

Giving a small little nod of confirmation, he reached for the bat on the wall first

Grabbing it firmly with his hands, he gave it a few practice turns

Smiling, he said in an eerie tone

"Lets have fun now"

Sorry for the (extremely) late update😓🙇🏻‍♀️
...I have no excuse

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