Blondes, Blondes, and more Blondes

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Alfred looked at him and pouted. "Why what? Don't you like being in America?" That question wasn't intended on having an answer. "'Course ya do. Its badass America. Who wouldn't want to live here?"

Kiku peeked up at his tall roommate. Very tall. Sandy blond hair, aqua blue eyes and bottom-rimmed glasses. All tied together with a big smile. The American was fit, to say the least. Probably did football. Kiku wouldn't be surprised if he had a six pack under that "I ♥ NY" shirt of his. Typical American. "I would gradry accept Japan over America." Of course he would. He was born there, after all, but Western countries intrigued him so much. He just wanted to run out the door and take pictures of everything he saw. But composure over actions; professional is best. Says the guy that is now a small burrito of blankets on a bed, hiding from his new friend.

"But in America we have......?" Alfred prompted gleefully, waiting for the black haired teen to answer.


"Yeah, but not what I'm lookin for....."


"Uh, well yeah but go on......."


Alfred laughed,"Heck yeah we do, but nope. Somethin else...."

"I give up."

The blonde took in a deep breath,"FREEEEEDOMMMMMM!!!!!" The American proceeded to jump onto the bed and try to suffocate Kiku with a pillow.

"Oh boy..."

"Well what're we waiting for? Let's go get you started, dude!" Kiku was dragged out of bed and pulled out of their room, and onto the soft sand of the midday beach. They headed to a big building nestled into an area with other places like a zoo. What kind of school has a zoo? The dorm rooms, he realized, were neatly set around the perimeter of the building-filled area. It was like a small city. Kiku loved it.


"Yeah dude?" He bit into the end of a weird looking Kit Kat. The wrapper was red. How strange.

"Why is there a zoo?"

"Oh, that's cuz kids from all over the world go to this school and many of them brought pets from their countries. Or they just get their national animals brought here by the principal. Mr. Obama is awesome."

"Interesting." He would definitely snap some pics of that later. A few more steps and they'd made it to the main building. A cool breeze wrapped around them as the glass doors slid open, letting them in. Kiku look at his surroundings. Amazing. Different languages and accents floated all through the large hallway. Next thing he knew he was flat on the ground.

There was loud, obnoxious laughing somewhere off to his left, so it wasn't Alfred. Messy, probably previously neat, blond hair about a shade or two lighter than the American's (what is up with all the blondes?) blurred his vision as his attacker got off him and gracefully helped him up. Kiku expected piercings and eyeliner and punkish clothing, as that was the aura this mystery person gave off, but was surprised to be met with a young man with bright emerald green eyes and bushy eyebrows, wearing a simple preppy suit instead of ripped jeans and band shirts. The Jap knew right away that Mr. Eyebrows here was definitely not American.

"Hey Artie, watch where you're going. You're gonna end up killing someone." Alfred snickered, soon getting distracted by a red headed girl that walked by.

So, Artie was his name? No, maybe a nickname. Short for...Arthur...? Right? Kiku really needed to touch up on American names and their aliases. 

"Shut up, you git. I tripped and fell, it can happen to anyone." And Eyebrows turned out to be British. Fascinating. A green eyed Brit. You don't see that everyday. Kiku promised himself to ask for a scone recipe when he had the chance. Arthur directed his attention back to Kiku. "I'm sorry love. Are you alright?"

The short Asian could only nod.

"Do you speak English?"

"Yes, I'm stirr rearning."

"...You're still what?"

So that's what Yamato meant by consequences. Hopefully. "Rearning. I'm stirr rearning." Alfred leaned down, again: very tall, and whispered something to Arthur.

"Ohh learning. You're still learning. I'm afraid I misunderstood a bit."

"It the accent, isn't it?"

"Whaaat? No what makes you say-"

"Of course it is. Your accent is so weird with the L's and stuff." The blue eyed blond cut in.

"You bloody fool! You're not supposed to say that, you twat!"

"He was gonna find out at some point. Ooh dude, you better run. Creepy French dude is after you again."

"Are you peopre serious? This is a schoor?" He asked, clearly lost. Here they were, in a hallway that contained basically the whole world. Kiku waited for an answer as he watched Artie run away, another blonde with wavy hair chasing after him, occasionally saying words like,"Angleterre!!!~ Come back, mon amour."

"Boarding school, yeah. Its real fun here. We're all like one big-"


"Happy family."

"Hai. It really-"


"Sounds like it." He grimaced.

Alfred smiled and patted his back,"You'll get used to it. Now let's get to science before Arthur shows up with a blue telephone box, that weirdo."

So far, Hetalia Academy was off to a great start on Kiku's 'Schools That I'm In Love With' list. Note: No, he really wasn't being sarcastic.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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