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     Friends are always there when you need them, there when you think you can't take another step in the right direction, there when you are broken and afraid.
     Friends aren't people who treat you rudely and blame their problems in life on you, they aren't cruel to you, they don't try to turn you into something else, and they don't try to separate you from your other friends.
     Anyone, don't let people treat you this way, you deserve to be treated like a human, a living thing with feelings and deep emotions, ones that are too deep, ones that you never want anyone to see.
     You should be treated like royalty, like a visitor from another world.  Like a fallen soul, be taken from the battle field of life and be brought to the heavens to live in eternal peace. 
     You are priceless, like a snowflake in summer, individual, like nobody else.  The heat trying to melt you, but stay strong, for there is a plan for you, one that only the stars can see, one that only by staying strong, yet still relying on those stars to guide your path. 
Be stronger than the flame that tries to melt you. 

Be yourself.

Love yourself and all that you stand for. 

Never let anyone define you, for only your self image can define you.

     Look to those stars, and imagine.  Imagine a better life, and believe in it.
   You aren't worthy, but blessed.  Blessed are the poor, blessed are the weak, and blessed are the broken, for they will all seek shelter in the stars.

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