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A conversation between my classmates yesterday (not giving names because I am paranoid):

Person 1: Okay, Person 2, empty your mind.

Person 2: Ooooooo-kay?

Person 1: I will ask you some questions. Try not to say your age.

Person 1: What is your favorite color?

Person 2: Orange...

Person 1: Is Jessica mean?

Person 2: *without hesitation* Yes.

Person 1: Do you like TJ?

Person 2: Yes.

Person 1: As a friend?

Person 2: No.

*awkward silence*

*random Person 3 bursts out laughing*

*Person 2 realizes what he said*

Person 2: Wait, WHAT?!?!?

This is just one example of the disturbing stuff that goes on in my social studies class.

More to follow.

I promise you this is true.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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