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2023 (Annie is now 18)

beep beep beep beep

9:23 AM

It was late July, and I didn't have to worry about school. I was finally finished with high school. Ever since 8th grade I started going to public school, but still went to gymnastics pretty much everyday.

I was still waiting to get accepted into a college. I didn't even care what college anymore, as long as it had a decent gymnastics team I could join.

My tired feet led my downstairs to the delicious smell of pancakes my mom had made. Mom's pancakes were the best in Maryland, with chocolate chips, strawberries and best of all whipped cream. "Morning Annie" Hayley said tiredly. Caleb went off to college a cew years ago and visited anytime he could. I felt bad for Hayley, as long as I got accepted somewhere, I would be leaving sometime in between August and September. Which meant she was gonna be in this huge house all alone. I mean she has mom and dad, but I knew it was going to get lonley for her. "Morning Kiddo" I replied to her and sat down at the bar beside her.

buzz buzz

I looked at my phone and Brennan had texted me. We have been dating for a few years all the fans dreams came true. I mean yeah he did make me happy, but I don't feel like he is the one.

Brennan: Morning Babe
Annie: Morning
Brennan: Katie, Mia and I are going to a party tonight, and I need my beautiful girlfriend to come with.
Annie: Of course!
Brennan: Great! I'll pick you up about 7:00
Annie: See yah then cutie

Yay! I finally had something to do, instead of being a lame, anti-social teenager. I quickly ate my breakfast and headed up stairs to do my daily facetime with Hayden. I grabbed my Macbook, and hopped on my comfy, comfy bed. No longer then I had sat down, Hayden had already facetimed me. And of course, I answered.

Hayden: HOLA BEST FREN, hows life?
Annie: Pretty good right now, I just had some of Mom's pancakes and Brennan's taking me to a party tonight.
Hayden: Oh cool.
Annie: What about you?
Hayden: Well I haven't done much lately actually! So I guess I could say pretty good.
Annie: Sounds fun!

It went silent.

Annie: I really do miss you Hayden, its been over 6 years...
Hayden: I miss you too, I would do anything to come see you. I hate stupid distance.
Annie: Me too.

We talked for another hour, and Hayden had to get ready for some date with Kenzie. I hate Kenzie, just being honest. She's never really had a good vibe and always seems jealous of the friendship me and Hayden have. Oh well, haters can be haters.

I decided to go to the gym to get in some practice, to pass the time. I put on the very first Bratayley Leo with some Nike Pro's and headed out the door. I got in my blue jeep and drived the 10 minute drive.

When I arrived, Katie pulled in right behind me. I was happy to know I had a friend to practice with. "Hey Twin" "Hey twin", we said to eachother and we walked in together. Gymnastics was my happy place. I could forget about everything here, and just do what I love. Katie and I were hoping to be able to go to the Olympic Trails in 2024, so we practiced often.

I threw everything in my gym locker and headed to the floor to warm-up. I did a few stretches and warm ups and decided to work on floor sequences that were required for the Olympics. I landed every single one of them. After I landed the last sequence, Coach Mary and Katie were clapping for me. "Why thank you!" I said and bowed. They laughed. "Keep that up and you will have 5 gold medals Annie!" Coach Mary told me very proudly. I then worked on beam, bars, and vault. Before I knew it, it was 4:30! "Yo Katie! We should probably get going! Wanna come get ready at my house?" I explained to Katie. "Uh sorry... I can't I have homework to finish."she replied. We grabbed our stuff and out the door we went.

740 words

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