Hellbent x Quirky Optimist! reader

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Ps. Hellbent is my favourite.

It was a cold, stormy day but you didn't mind. You had your headphones on and you music on full blast.

One song finished and another started. A smile appeared on your face when you realized what song it was.

Castle in the hill.

You decided to sing along.

"When I was six years old I,
Broke my leg.
I was running from my brother and
His friends.
Tasted the sweet perfume of the
Mountain grass I rolled down.
I was younger then.
Take me back to when..."

You sung.

Hellbent was walking passed your room when he heard you. Your door was slightly open so he listened.

"Found my heart, broken here
Made friends and lost them though the years,
And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long,
Oh how I've grown.
But I can't wait to go home."

Hellbent leaned on the door frame with his arms folded. A small smile grew on his face. He loved seeing you smiling and happy.

Though, he was too stubborn to admit it, he liked you. A lot.

He'd liked you for the longest time. He liked everything about you. All your quirks, like dancing in your pyjamas and singing Ed Sheehan. He also liked how you saw the light in every situation.

You'd often quote your favourite fictional characters.

"I'm on my way,
Driving at ninety down those, country lanes,
Singing to tiny dancer,
And I miss the way you make me feel,
It's real, I can't wait to go home."

Hellbent remembered the first day he met. Dolan introduced you.


"Dolan! I don't want to meet your stupid friend!" Hellbent stated.
"Yes you do." Dolan replied with a smirk. "You're going to meet her and be NICE to her." Dolan said while he dragged Hellbent by the wrist to the living room.

"Dolan! I don't care if I'm her favourite out of us! I just want to go back in my room and finish watching Fast and furious!" Hellbent hadn't noticed you on the couch.

"You like fast and furious?" You asked happily. Hellbent turned his head slowly to face you. His jaw dropped a little.

You were beautiful!

Dolan saw his devilish friend jaw drop. Hellbent fixed himself up before you noticed.

"I saw that." Dolan whispered to Hellbent. Then he laughed and left.

"Do you?" You asked chirpily.
"Do I what?" Hellbent asked snapping out of his thoughts.  "Fast and furious!" You smiled.

Hellbent smiled a little at your enthusiasm. Normally it would annoy him, but something about you... He liked it.

"Uh... Yeah. I do." He replied. In all honesty, he didn't care for it that much, but seeing your eyes light up when he said that... That was all it took for him to fall for you.

~end flashback~

Hellbent had been too far into his memory to realize you'd stopped singing.

"Hellbent?" You giggled. He snapped out of his memory. "Uh... Hey, (Name)." He blushed. You walked over to the demon. "Were you listing to me sing?" You asked.

"Uh, um... No- yes..." He couldn't lie. Well, not to you anyways. You were special.

You smiled.

"You have a great voice." He said. You smiled and shook your head. "It's not that good." He let out a dry chuckle.

"You're not wrong there." He paused. "It's not good. Or great." He said flatly.

Those words stung a little. You never thought yourself a good singer, but for someone to say it so flatly...

"Oh... Well, I guess I should get dressed into actual clothes. Ladybot, Pringle, Dolan and I are going to the movies." You started closing the door.

"I never finished what I was saying." Hellbent smirked. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "You're not a good singer. Or a great one. You're amazing." He smiled. You blushed slightly.

"You're an amazing singer- an amazing person. You're quirky, funny and that's why I love you-" He stopped.

"What?" You asked.
"Uh... I said... Olive Juice!" He mentally face palmed.

"Well, I could have sworn you-" He cut you off. "Nope. I said Olive Juice."

You knew exactly what he said. You knew exactly what to say.

"I love you too."

I know. Tis poop. Especially the end... I tried. Love y'all ❤️

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