F o u r

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Her mind screamed for her to run.

But within her third stride, Carithy’s murderer appeared in front of her, black smoke drifting in the wake of his flight. She crashed into him and fell onto her back. Heart thrashing in her chest, she struggled to crawl backward on her hands.  Her day dress hindered any help from her feet.

No, it can’t be!

“Help!” she screamed. “Help-”

He crouched over her, and his cold hand caught her mouth. He tucked his blade underneath her jaw, silencing her voice.  “Shh,” he whispered.

His face began to melt.

Eyes wide, Evira watched as his skin underneath his garments transformed into the black hide of a reptile.  His nose flattened, and he blinked, his eyes turning to a sickening yellow that framed slit pupils. A long forked tongue slid between his thin lips and flicked in the air in front of her face.  He sneered, the action revealing rotting teeth.

A long tail with three points extended behind him, moving in the air as if it were its own existence separate from him.

“I sent my friend to find you last night,” he hissed, his words clipped and sharp like his knife.  “What ever happened to him?”

She was far too delirious with fear to comprehend his words.

His slick tongue slid across her cheek, and she yelped in disgust.  “Hmm, your blood is tainted,” he drawled.  “No matter, it will still be enough to satisfy my thirst.”

Her breath shuddered.

“Now that I don’t have to share-”

He was cut off.  He flew several feet into the air and landed yards away, his body creating an audible thud against the dirt.  The appearance of the impact made Evira cringe. She half-expected to hear the sound of bones breaking.

He recovered quickly.  He rolled into a low crouch on all fours, his tail raised and his teeth bared.  His yellow eyes, however, betrayed his fear.  They were focused on something behind her.

Her head spun. All color faded from her face.

There was no mistaking the armor that had been forged from Hell’s fires.  It emitted a red glow under the sunlight, covering a young man from shoulders to toe.  Long, silver hair framed a pale, chiseled face.

He was not Vanden.

“Why’d you have to ruin the fun?” snarled the demon boy.  He waited for no response.  He sprinted at her that instant.

With a gasp, Evira rolled herself out of his path.  Before he could alter his angle, the Demon Knight rushed forward and seized his throat in a single hand.  He lifted the demon lizard into the air as if he were weightless.

“Okay, I give, I give!” the boy choked, legs kicking.  

But the Demon Knight did not relinquish his hold.  The boy’s tail swiped at him.  The knight, appearing the obvious proficient, merely caught it in his free hand.

Evira saw the terror that flickered across the boy’s lizard face.

His captor tossed him into the air.  

The Demon Knight unsheathed his sword from his waist, and as the demon lizard plummeted back toward the ground, he swung his blade.  The graceful movement removed the boy of his head.

Evira gawked as it rolled toward her.  Its lifeless eyes stared up at her, its mouth a permanent gape.  Then, it fell into ash.  She caught sight of a pale glimmer that drifted from the ashes and into the Demon Knight’s sword.  His blade briefly illuminated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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