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A/N: fyi in this story josh is taller that Tyler...

Happy Reading.

Tyler was sleeping on the couch at his and Joshes apartment. He still had a small head ache and on tøp of that his stomach hurt. He was waiting for Josh to get home. The door clicked then opend. But not Tylers eyes they stayed asleep. Josh was gonna call out his name but didnt when he saw his sleeping beauty on the couch. He awed. He took the blanket off of Tyler and carried him up stairs to there røøm.

There he got tyler a pair of shorts and a tang top he took the sweats off of the sweaty boy and put the cooler clothing on his smøl body. He woke up. "Daddy?" "im here kitten" "my stomach hurts" josh hugged him close. "Well lets go to sleep?".Tyler nodded. And they fell asleep in there bed.

About 15 or so minutes later Tyler woke up with a sharp pain in his stømach. He sat up, in the process waking Josh. Tyler muttered a small 'im sorry' before jolting off to the bathrøom.
There he threw up in the toilet. Josh herd him and walked to the closed door. "Ty are you ok in there?" no response. He walked in and seen Tyler in the bathroom puking his guts out.

Josh rubbed Tylers back soothingly.When Tyler stopped he looked at josh; face red and a pain in his stømach. Josh picked him up bridal style.

"What are you doing Daddy?"

"Im taking you to the doctor sweet heart"

Tyler didnt say anything he just let Jøsh put his fløral Vans on his small feet. He put a jacket on him and carried him out the door on his way grabbing the house keys.

Time skip at the doctors:
(Because im a lazy fuck)

"Well it seems to me that Tyler has the stømach flu" jøsh frowned. "Can we get him any medication that will help?"

"yes" the doctor scribbled something down on a paper and handed it to Jøsh. The both said thank yøu before they walked out the door of the doctors office. After they got Tylers prescription they went home.
At the house josh carried tyler up stairs and put a Disney movie on for him before leaving back down stairs. Some time later josh came back with a small tray. On the tray there was soup, a sippy cup with juice in it, his medicine and a small daisy.

"Oh Daddy you didnt have to put the flower on there"

"Yes i did your a princess yøu deserve tø be treated like one"

"Thank you Daddy"

Josh helped Tyler sit up and put the tray on the bed side table. "Open your mouth kitten" Tyler obeyed. He fed him the warm soup. When it was gone Tyler drank some of his juice. "Alright you have to take one spøøn full of this medicine" Tyler didnt obey that. He frowned and nødded his head 'nø' "yes it will help your stomach and your head" still a no. Josh growled
He didnt want to punish Tyler because he was sick.
"Alright if you dont take your medicine you wont get cuddles later" Tylers eyes started to tear up "but Daddy i want cuddles"
"Well take your medicine"
"Ok Daddy"

He opend his mouth and josh quickly put the spoon full of medicine in his cute little mouth
Tyler swallowed the supposed to be grape tasting liquid and took a big drink of juice.

"Daddy im tired"

"Well lets go to bed then if your better in the morning we will go the park or something how does that sound?,

"It sounds great Daddy"


He put the tray on the table and layed Tyler down laying next to him.
He kissed Tyler on the lips
Tyler pulled away and said "Daddy i dont want to get you sick"

"Its ok kitten i rather get a little sick then leave my baby with out kisses" he kissed back this time Tyler didnt pull away.

They cuddled for 15 minutes until Tyler fell asleep. Pretty soon Jøsh fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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