New beginning's

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Let's try this shiz again

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and someone knocking on my door. I slowly set up as my older brother, Daniel, walked in to my room.

"Mom wanted me to wake you up, it's our first day at our new school" he said before he walked out, forgetting to shut my door all the way, of course.

I looked around In confusion from the unfamiliar room but It soon occurred to me this is the new house we had moved into last night, in a new town, far away from the last.

We had moved towns because of some issues that happened there. My father wasn't a very good man to my mother or me in the last year so we moved away to a new town across the country. I'm openly gay and he didn't support this at all and he also didn't like the fact that my amazing mother stood up for me. He started to drink every night and gamble but thankfully never became violent.

I slowly got out of bed and grabbed some clothes, I decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a red cropped sweater along with a black moon necklace and a matching bracelet. I made my way to the bathroom across the hall from my room to take a shower. I washed my hair and body, not forgetting to shave my legs because leg hair made me feel funny.

I walked downstairs and greeted my mother with a kiss on the cheek. She stood over the stove and looked over to see her making pancakes, my favorite.

"It smells great mom!"

"Well good morning to you too Rose, I know it's your first day at a whole new school so I decided to make your favorite!"

My brother walked down the stairs as I took a seat at the table.

"No fair! It's my first day too and you didn't even make me bacon??"

"Hush Daniel! I'll make you bacon tomorrow for breakfast, besides your brother needs it more then you do."

I quickly chuckled as she pated his stomach, causing him to gapped at her in astonishment.

"I'm not fat!" He quickly defended himself with underlying annoyance towards our mother.

"I know sweetie but you eat enough food for an army." she said with I small chuckle.

He sat down with a "humpf" and pretended to be upset but we all knew that it was true. My brother was a gym rat, he went at least 5 days a week and played sports at school all year round. He was around 6 foot with shaggy brown hair and brown eyes. He looked a lot like our father, unlike me who took after my mother. His completion was very tan while I was paler then a ghost. I was 5 food 6 and a half with dark brown hair and blue eyes with light freckles. Along with gasses bigger then my face but I liked it that way.

After we finished eating the amazing breakfast my mother made for us, my brother ate 8 pancakes, she quickly told us to finish getting ready because we needed to leave soon. We had to be to school for 8 and it was already 7:40. Good thing it was only a 10 minute ride to the school according to my mother.

Daniel and I put on our shoes and left out the door to his car, mom didn't have to be to work until 9 at the hospital, she was a nurse.

We soon arrived after fighting over the radio for at least half the ride, me wanting to listen to some good old 90s music while my brother wanted to listen to Taylor Swift. Him winning because it was "his car" and easily over powers me. Stupid noodle arms.

"I thought I was supposed to be the gay one?" I said as we stepped out of the car. He looked at me and replied with "you are, nothing wrong with a man wanting to listen to fifteen." I rolled my eyes at him and looked up at the school in front of us and my anxiety finally hit me like a brick. This is going to be interesting.

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