Chapter 1: Red Hair, Hot Temper

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The Son of Aphrodite / Chapter 1

My eyes stared over the countless amount of people walking around Houston, Texas' streets. There were so many possiblities with pairing individuals together. Love is not always viewed by appearence, more so personallity, so I had my eyes set on body language once I found a decent person.

There was a woman, around the age of fifty, casually walking by with her short hair whipping against the wind. She had this strong nature of how she walked and presented herself.

I begun to walk behind her not to loose track of the woman picked in this pairing, and searched for a perfect partner.

I searched through both men and women in the crowds, until something ran straight into me. I figured the person would apologizing for foolishly walking into me, but from the look on the red haired girl's face, she was anything but gracsious.

"Excuse me, watch where you are going," she snapped at me. Her faint blue eyes, almost on the verge of grey, boared into my face, looking upset. I am pretty sure this girl wasn't that upset with me, unless she has some really, really bad attitude problems, but angry over something else.

I smiled smally, a bit freaked out by how much she exploded.

Her hand reachd her forehead and her eyes closed for a brief couple seconds until they opened looking guilty. "I am sorry. It was my fault. I just have things going on with my boyfriend, ex boyfriend, actually. We just broke up and, ugh, I have no idea why I am telling you this."

She smiled, chuckling lightly, looking totally embarassed.

She probably isn't the type of person to come clean of such things, even with being riled up. Being a son of Aphrodite just gives me a sort of ora that allows people to drop their love life feelings on me. I don't usually come here, since I am always in Olympus, but when I do I have random people come up to me and complain about their bad marriages or how in love they are with a person.

They might not know me, but I guess they could just feel the aura I give. To be hoenst here, it is a curse and a gift.

"You are fine," my eyes searched around, looking for the woman I chose out for my mission. I huffed a bit of air out once I couldn't see her in any direction. Well, that is just great. She was the only female that stood out to me really. Well, presence wise.

I figured the frail girl would just walk away like any person would, but after my searching in place my eyes set on hers once more. She still had a smile on her face, and I cracked a small one back to her.

"So, you go to the University of Houston, too?"

My eyebrows rose from her questions. She was assertive in her question and demeanor. That is one thing I look for in a possible subject.

I didn't quite know what to do, but I nodded. "Yeah, I am a senior there."

She got quiet for a second, her eyes searching my face, until she cocked her head to the side and looked confused. "Really? I've never seen you around." My feet began to move away, just trying to see if she had another thing about her I could work with onto a partner.

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